Thursday, December 29, 2011
Losing Weight After The Free Pass To Gluttony Of The Holidays
The holidays gave us a free pass to gluttony, but what about after the holidays? Zipping your pants for work or fitting into that New Years attire doesn’t seem so enticing after the pies, cookies and cakes you stuffed in your mouth over the entire holiday season. What now? Did you know it is a scientific fact even if you ate an entire cake you might not even add fat to your body? Adding that fat happens overtime as you continue to binge; therefore, you can get your eating and workout back on track.
Going back to everyday life can be challenging after the holidays of lounging around enjoying whatever food you would like. The American Council of Exercise reported during the holidays we might eat over 3,000 calories in one sitting. 3,500 calories equals one pound. You may find yourself feeling guilty and thinking it isn’t even possible to get back into a normal routine. Why not eat another round of cookies? It won’t help. Eating another round of cookies and then another will only lead to obesity and health problems down the line. Slowly, but surely you can reach your goals.
That bloated feeling can be attacked with water. Drink fresh water throughout each day. Flushing out the toxins will help you not feel bloated. Stay away from sodium for a while so your body can release that bloat.
During the holidays we are usually put in front of large meals with many different varieties we can choose from. Going back to everyday life is different, of course. It is best not to look for that large meal again, but also do not restrict yourself from food. Proteins and vegetables will help you ease back into normal eating. Eat three healthy meals a day.
Most people also get sluggish with their workout during the holidays. It’s time to get back to the grind. Start slow with a brisk walk then build up to a normal routine. You can even just do chores around the house to get slowly back into shape. Taking down the Christmas decorations is no easy task! Each day add a little more to your workout until you feel it is making a difference.
Nothing happens overnight. You may have indulged a few nights in a row, but you can also reverse the damage by easing back into a routine. Health and fitness is a lifestyle and there aren’t many people who can go their entire life without indulging a little!
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Diet Back On Track After The Holidays
The holidays aren’t usually the first spot in people’s minds where dieting begins. Many say they can eat whatever during the holiday season then they will work it all off when the new year comes around. It’s much harder to do than it sounds. Some opt out of the fretting during the new year and try to keep in line during the holidays. Many fail. So what happens when you blow your diet? Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to end there. You can get back on track!
You wake up feeling bloated wondering why and then you remember the plate of desserts you inhaled last night at the holiday gathering. You get annoyed at yourself, but remember those cookies were delicious. Realize it is normal to overindulge at times, but now you must put the plan into action to make yourself feel better. The absolute first thing to do is eat some breakfast. If you get your metabolism going you won’t eat too much during the day. As you eat think about what you can do to get yourself back on track. Reduce your calorie intake by eating healthier foods. It’s as easy as that. Working out is essential to getting back on track. Even a brisk walk or lifting weights is better than nothing.
Usually we are not invited to only one holiday gathering. If you don’t want to feel like this every day after the gatherings try to set some goals for yourself. Have one cookie instead of the entire plate. Eat one helping of the casserole. Write this down if it will help solidify it for you. Keeping a food diary will help keep you feeling accountable for everything that enters your mouth. These days there are even apps on the phone to help with this so you don’t have to carry around pen and paper.
Throughout the day as you try to feel better you will probably find many temptations. Your body remembers how yummy the food was last night. Try not to eat the leftovers in the fridge. The goodies are just toying with your emotions. Drink water or green tea to help quench this thought. If you still need something then eat a small snack. As night comes this hunger monster will probably strike its head out of boredom. Tell it to go away and just drink some water.
Each day will bring new challenges, but be able to fight them. If you begin your short walk one day it will eventually change into a longer walk. Exercising will help you feel better and help your body get in shape. As you attend other holiday gatherings remember a few things to help you get through it. Don’t eat because you are nervous or bored. Get away from the table of food! If you drink alcohol make sure to drink water as well. The best thing to do above anything is to engage with others. Instead of eating just enjoy the company around you. Don’t wait until the new year hits to beat the crowd at the gym. Make a choice to change your destiny now.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Soda Is Liquid Junk Food
Soda, coke, pop. Sugar in a bottle can go by many names, but the effects of it are all the same. Soda started out centuries ago as just carbonated mineral water. It was not unhealthy until sellers begin adding things to the drink to make it taste different. Today sugar is what gives the carbonated beverage a bad reputation. The caffeine and acid in each drink don’t help, but all of it together is horrible for your health.
Soda also contains phosphorus which could lead to a reduction in calcium and magnesium in the body. Try putting a tooth in soda for a few days and watch it dissolve over time. If it can dissolve a tooth think about what it is doing to the rest of your body.
It’s been hammered upon us that soda contains sugar and too much sugar is bad for you. Did you know one soda contains more than ten teaspoons of sugar? Our bodies are really only to have ten or less a day! Too much sugar leads to a rise in insulin levels. The sugar also might not be able to burned by the body which will end up as stored fat leading to weight gain. Within the first ten minutes of drinking your soda those teaspoons of sugar hit your system. They are absorbed into the blood causing blood sugar to spike.
Caffeine is something many of us feel we need to keep us awake. It is found in many stimulants. Too much caffeine is not good for the system at all. It can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and dehydration. Forty minutes after you drink a soda that caffeine causes your blood pressure to rise. Caffeine is addictive so the more you drink the more your body wants it.
After everything has gone through your system your body will go into crash mode. It will make you tired, irritable and reaching for another soda.
Most people try to get away with just drinking diet soda. It has the same history of soda, right, but it’s diet, right? Wrong. Instead of adding flavorings and sugar and all that jazz, it has aspartame. Aspartame is a chemical that stimulates the brain to think the drink is sweet. Aspartame breaks down into aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol when it's at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Sodium in diet sodas is also a silent killer. Sodium not only adds weight to us, but is hard on our hearts.
Soda is the liquid form of junk food. It tastes great to most people, but it is just a fun beverage with no nutritional value. It is served at most restaurants and at most parties, but if people really knew what was lurking through their system once they took a drink, they might opt for another beverage.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Soda also contains phosphorus which could lead to a reduction in calcium and magnesium in the body. Try putting a tooth in soda for a few days and watch it dissolve over time. If it can dissolve a tooth think about what it is doing to the rest of your body.
It’s been hammered upon us that soda contains sugar and too much sugar is bad for you. Did you know one soda contains more than ten teaspoons of sugar? Our bodies are really only to have ten or less a day! Too much sugar leads to a rise in insulin levels. The sugar also might not be able to burned by the body which will end up as stored fat leading to weight gain. Within the first ten minutes of drinking your soda those teaspoons of sugar hit your system. They are absorbed into the blood causing blood sugar to spike.
Caffeine is something many of us feel we need to keep us awake. It is found in many stimulants. Too much caffeine is not good for the system at all. It can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and dehydration. Forty minutes after you drink a soda that caffeine causes your blood pressure to rise. Caffeine is addictive so the more you drink the more your body wants it.
After everything has gone through your system your body will go into crash mode. It will make you tired, irritable and reaching for another soda.
Most people try to get away with just drinking diet soda. It has the same history of soda, right, but it’s diet, right? Wrong. Instead of adding flavorings and sugar and all that jazz, it has aspartame. Aspartame is a chemical that stimulates the brain to think the drink is sweet. Aspartame breaks down into aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol when it's at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Sodium in diet sodas is also a silent killer. Sodium not only adds weight to us, but is hard on our hearts.
Soda is the liquid form of junk food. It tastes great to most people, but it is just a fun beverage with no nutritional value. It is served at most restaurants and at most parties, but if people really knew what was lurking through their system once they took a drink, they might opt for another beverage.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Thursday, December 15, 2011
HCG Success Stories Help Support New HCG Patients
Marathon runners don’t usually run alone. So why should dieters diet alone? Support is something that helps us through those tough times when we see no light at the end of the tunnel. HCG patients are each going through a program to reach their own weight loss goals. It’s important for each of them to reach out to find success stories and support wherever they can.
Inspiration comes in so many forms. There are thousands of websites that portray success stories for those on the HCG diet. Many sites have people sharing their own stories to show the patients’ success is only a few weeks away if they stick with the lifestyle. Many sites offer a place where you can discuss the diet with others. This helps ease any fear you may have of falling off the wagon or not finding your own success.
Each person on the diet is different as we all have different bodies. Remember that men and women do not lose weight at the same speed as well as people have different body types.
Finding support is key to everyone’s success. There are support groups in many cities where you get together and discuss what has and has not worked. Some things will work for others that will not work for you, but getting all of the ideas on the table will help. It is also good to hear from others about how much they have lost. If you are thinking you are going to lose 200 pounds, but hear from many others they have only lost 120 then you know your goal is not realistic.
Encourage yourself with encouraging others. You are all on the same journey even if your destination to your goals are different.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tips for HCG Patients
Any lifestyle change needs guidelines to help you stay in the lines. A diet is not a diet unless it changes your lifestyle and becomes the daily norm. The HCG diet is a bit different. It does not last for years, but in a 12 week program you should have reset your mind and metabolism to the lifestyle change you need. Getting through that program is not difficult, but there are tips you can follow to stay on track.
Water is a HUGE thing on the HCG program. Drinking water throughout the day will help digestion and flush out the system. Some say ice water even vamps up the metabolism. Water also quenches hunger helping you not feel any pangs throughout the day.
Find HCG friendly recipes that you like. When you are just given a list of foods that are okay to eat it is often hard to figure out how to combine them together in a special meal. Once you see how they can go together your interest will be piqued and you will be excited about the diet instead of just wondering how you are going to eat spinach in the morning and chicken in the afternoon. Combine it for a fun meal!
Be fiber friendly. Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer. Fiber aids in digestion and will help keep you regular while on the diet.
One of the best things to do to ensure you are getting the correct amount is make your meals for the week. Put your meats in Tupperware and go ahead and make salads and other items you can make for the week. You won’t be stressed out later trying to remember what combinations go together.
Watch the scale. If the scale suddenly comes to a standstill you make need to take a plateau day of steak or apples. It’s important to know what does and does not work for your body anyway.
Know the program. Know the diet. This will help you through each step. Talk to your weight loss consultants and doctor to know what you should expect along the way. You are not in this alone. They care about your goals just as much as you do. They can help you find ways to combine foods or to adjust anything in your life to the new lifestyle. Soon you will notice you no longer have the same eating principles you did before and are leading a much better lifestyle.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Water is a HUGE thing on the HCG program. Drinking water throughout the day will help digestion and flush out the system. Some say ice water even vamps up the metabolism. Water also quenches hunger helping you not feel any pangs throughout the day.
Find HCG friendly recipes that you like. When you are just given a list of foods that are okay to eat it is often hard to figure out how to combine them together in a special meal. Once you see how they can go together your interest will be piqued and you will be excited about the diet instead of just wondering how you are going to eat spinach in the morning and chicken in the afternoon. Combine it for a fun meal!
Be fiber friendly. Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer. Fiber aids in digestion and will help keep you regular while on the diet.
One of the best things to do to ensure you are getting the correct amount is make your meals for the week. Put your meats in Tupperware and go ahead and make salads and other items you can make for the week. You won’t be stressed out later trying to remember what combinations go together.
Watch the scale. If the scale suddenly comes to a standstill you make need to take a plateau day of steak or apples. It’s important to know what does and does not work for your body anyway.
Know the program. Know the diet. This will help you through each step. Talk to your weight loss consultants and doctor to know what you should expect along the way. You are not in this alone. They care about your goals just as much as you do. They can help you find ways to combine foods or to adjust anything in your life to the new lifestyle. Soon you will notice you no longer have the same eating principles you did before and are leading a much better lifestyle.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
HCG Recipe of the Day - Shrimp & Spinach
HCG Recipe of the Day - Shrimp & Spinach
100g shrimp (peeled & deveined)
200g spinach (or amount allowed)
3T water
juice of 1 lemon (or 1/2 lemon if you like things less lemony)
4-5 cloves minced garlic
black pepper
Preheat non-stick skillet over MED heat.
Add 3T water, garlic, and shrimp.
Cook 5 mins or until shrimp just turns pink.
Squeeze in juice of 1 lemon.
Add spinach.
Toss in salt & pepper.
Cook uncovered until spinach wilts.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
100g shrimp (peeled & deveined)
200g spinach (or amount allowed)
3T water
juice of 1 lemon (or 1/2 lemon if you like things less lemony)
4-5 cloves minced garlic
black pepper
Preheat non-stick skillet over MED heat.
Add 3T water, garlic, and shrimp.
Cook 5 mins or until shrimp just turns pink.
Squeeze in juice of 1 lemon.
Add spinach.
Toss in salt & pepper.
Cook uncovered until spinach wilts.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Fitness Fads of the Future
Did you do taebo in your living room? How about P90x? Jane Fonda workout videos? There's always some fitness fad that takes over the world. It loses its excitement over time and we look to the next thing. With physical fitness being taken out of schools kids are even in need of more exercise. The obesity rates are skyrocketing, but one study is showing Americans might just be following workout trends a little better and losing weight. The recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index found improvement in U.S. obesity rates for the first time in more than three years. The report said that more Americans are now normal weight (36.6 percent) than overweight (35.8 percent). How is this happening?
Many companies are having contests to see who can get physically fit in a certain amount of time. This is not only great for the company's insurance, but the person's physical fitness goals. Companies are giving big incentives to employees to help them see their goals ahead.
Aerobics, yoga and Zumba classes are just some of the classes being filled at the gym. People enjoy training in groups because they don't feel alone. If you want to intensify it Boot Camp might be the way to go. These emphasize balance, stability and core workouts. You can also get fit with groups by focusing on the health and wellness of what is put in the body. Fitness consultants and weight loss consultants work with groups and individuals to personalize programs just for them.
The smart phones of today's world help us pretty much track out our entire lives. There are apps where you can calculate calories and watch the pedometer. Apps even give you recipes for the HCG or low carbohydrate diet. Training for marathons is easy when you have a GPS watch that tells you where you are going and calculates how far you have gone. Technology of today could actually be making us thinner!
Overall it's about being educated on dieting. The cabbage soup diet was a fad that didn't last very long because that weight came back on quickly! Researching diets to ensure they aren't just today's fix is the best thing for each person to do. The base of any diet is to watch caloric intake and get physical activity. Anything that claims you can lose 10 pounds in one day is just a smoke screen.
No matter today's fad to lose weight it can always be fun to pull out the old taebo video!
Many companies are having contests to see who can get physically fit in a certain amount of time. This is not only great for the company's insurance, but the person's physical fitness goals. Companies are giving big incentives to employees to help them see their goals ahead.
Aerobics, yoga and Zumba classes are just some of the classes being filled at the gym. People enjoy training in groups because they don't feel alone. If you want to intensify it Boot Camp might be the way to go. These emphasize balance, stability and core workouts. You can also get fit with groups by focusing on the health and wellness of what is put in the body. Fitness consultants and weight loss consultants work with groups and individuals to personalize programs just for them.
The smart phones of today's world help us pretty much track out our entire lives. There are apps where you can calculate calories and watch the pedometer. Apps even give you recipes for the HCG or low carbohydrate diet. Training for marathons is easy when you have a GPS watch that tells you where you are going and calculates how far you have gone. Technology of today could actually be making us thinner!
Overall it's about being educated on dieting. The cabbage soup diet was a fad that didn't last very long because that weight came back on quickly! Researching diets to ensure they aren't just today's fix is the best thing for each person to do. The base of any diet is to watch caloric intake and get physical activity. Anything that claims you can lose 10 pounds in one day is just a smoke screen.
No matter today's fad to lose weight it can always be fun to pull out the old taebo video!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Is HCG Safe?
Questions about HCG are flooding like a dam broke! Yes, the FDA and FTC are looking into the safety of homeopathic HCG trying to pull it off the shelves. No, pharmaceutical HCG is not included in this worry. HCG prescribed by a doctor is not in the threatening section to people taking it. It is closely monitored.
The effects of HCG can seem too good to be true. You inject the hormone each day and eat certain foods all in hopes of losing sometimes a pound a day. It's real and it's safe... if done in the correct way.
Doctors and nutritionists argue that going on a low calorie diet without HCG will help lose weight as well. Yes, it will, but you will be losing muscle instead of fat. HCG helps with the loss of fat and hopes to reset the body's metabolism. The person cannot go back to eating 12 cupcakes a day, but they should be able to have a better mindset to make better choices.
Homeopathic versions bought at the store have little to almost none of the actual hormone in them. This means going on that low calorie diet is just a diet. There is no hormone helping and the patient will probably gain it all back. Because homeopathic supplements are not regulated by the FDA, no governing organization is forcing these companies to prove that what is listed on the label is actually in the bottle.
Prescription HCG is safe mainly because a doctor is monitoring your body each week. If things are not working or something is making you unsteady the doctors will change it. The diet is something that can be flexible when under the correct supervision. It is not a miracle cure though. There is nothing that can make your body be able to indulge anything and suddenly burn it off. After the HCG diet is over the consultants and doctors slowly introduce certain foods back into the body. It is then up to the patient to keep their mind in place and their activity level high. Even with a reset metabolism a body can fall into the holes of dieting again.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
The effects of HCG can seem too good to be true. You inject the hormone each day and eat certain foods all in hopes of losing sometimes a pound a day. It's real and it's safe... if done in the correct way.
Doctors and nutritionists argue that going on a low calorie diet without HCG will help lose weight as well. Yes, it will, but you will be losing muscle instead of fat. HCG helps with the loss of fat and hopes to reset the body's metabolism. The person cannot go back to eating 12 cupcakes a day, but they should be able to have a better mindset to make better choices.
Homeopathic versions bought at the store have little to almost none of the actual hormone in them. This means going on that low calorie diet is just a diet. There is no hormone helping and the patient will probably gain it all back. Because homeopathic supplements are not regulated by the FDA, no governing organization is forcing these companies to prove that what is listed on the label is actually in the bottle.
Prescription HCG is safe mainly because a doctor is monitoring your body each week. If things are not working or something is making you unsteady the doctors will change it. The diet is something that can be flexible when under the correct supervision. It is not a miracle cure though. There is nothing that can make your body be able to indulge anything and suddenly burn it off. After the HCG diet is over the consultants and doctors slowly introduce certain foods back into the body. It is then up to the patient to keep their mind in place and their activity level high. Even with a reset metabolism a body can fall into the holes of dieting again.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Friday, December 9, 2011
HCG Frequently Asked Questions
Why HCG?
The HCG diet has been storming the world because it actually works. People are seeing results quickly and keeping those results instead of gaining again. The HCG hormone in conjunction with a low calorie diet triggers the body to lose vast amount of fat cells instead of muscle as in usual low calorie diets. The weight loss in patients is not just due to the HCG, but it is combined with a specific diet that works together to burn the fat cells.
What is the difference between prescription and non-prescription HCG?
If you think you are saving a buck by buying online, you are toying with your health which is much more expensive in the long run. Prescription HCG is closely monitored by doctors and consultants to ensure the diet is working properly. Homeopathic HCG often has traces of the actual hormone and is essentially like being put on a low calorie diet. Prescription is often give in injections while homeopathic is usually given in drops.
Is HCG Safe?
The FDA and FTC are currently reviewing homeopathic HCG as some believe it is not safe. Pharmaceutical HCG is safe. It is monitored by a doctor each week to see how the patient is progressing. After the protocol is over the consultants and doctor help the patient to slowly put more calories back in their meals.
Why don't pregnant women lose weight if natural HCG is flowing through their body?
As we stated before HCG does not work alone. It is combined with a low calorie diet of certain foods.
Will I starve on HCG?
No. The body stores energy in fat cells and the HCG helps lower appetite at the same time. Most people are not even hungry and force themselves to eat. Others are lured to eating strictly because of psychological reasoning.
How much weight can I expect to lose on the program?
Every person is different. Some say they lose a pound a day. Others might lose a pound a week. Usually if the diet is followed the weight will begin to melt off quickly.
The HCG diet has been storming the world because it actually works. People are seeing results quickly and keeping those results instead of gaining again. The HCG hormone in conjunction with a low calorie diet triggers the body to lose vast amount of fat cells instead of muscle as in usual low calorie diets. The weight loss in patients is not just due to the HCG, but it is combined with a specific diet that works together to burn the fat cells.
What is the difference between prescription and non-prescription HCG?
If you think you are saving a buck by buying online, you are toying with your health which is much more expensive in the long run. Prescription HCG is closely monitored by doctors and consultants to ensure the diet is working properly. Homeopathic HCG often has traces of the actual hormone and is essentially like being put on a low calorie diet. Prescription is often give in injections while homeopathic is usually given in drops.
Is HCG Safe?
The FDA and FTC are currently reviewing homeopathic HCG as some believe it is not safe. Pharmaceutical HCG is safe. It is monitored by a doctor each week to see how the patient is progressing. After the protocol is over the consultants and doctor help the patient to slowly put more calories back in their meals.
Why don't pregnant women lose weight if natural HCG is flowing through their body?
As we stated before HCG does not work alone. It is combined with a low calorie diet of certain foods.
Will I starve on HCG?
No. The body stores energy in fat cells and the HCG helps lower appetite at the same time. Most people are not even hungry and force themselves to eat. Others are lured to eating strictly because of psychological reasoning.
How much weight can I expect to lose on the program?
Every person is different. Some say they lose a pound a day. Others might lose a pound a week. Usually if the diet is followed the weight will begin to melt off quickly.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cereal Has As Much Sugar As A Big Dessert
Dessert to start the day is a form of Heaven for many people. It seems impossible and most people would run from the thought of starting the day with a few globs of sugar. A new study says that some children's cereals are packed with more sugar in a serving than a regular dessert. Twinkies, cookies and cake for breakfast? Kids have been eating cereal for years so we should have known this by now. Why it is an epiphany? As the push to help kids eat healthier rises so does the truth about what is in their cereal.
When a choice of cereal is set in front of children they will usually grab the brightly colored box with "fun" cereal inside of it. This type of cereal is usually filled with sugar to sweeten the meal for tastebuds. The other box is usually chosen by adults as whole grain healthy morsels for breakfast. A serving of Honey Smacks packs more sugar than a twinkie while if you are eating a bowl of Cap n' Crunch you might as well be eating a few cookies.
This list was posted by the study:
The 10 Worst Cereals in terms of sugar per cup:
Cereal, grams of sugar per cup, teaspoons of sugar:
• Kellogg's Honey Smacks, 20.0, 5 tsp
• Post Golden Crisp, 18.7, 4.6 tsp.
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch Original, 16.0, 4 tsp.
• Quaker Oats Oh!s, 16.0, 4 tsp
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch OOPS! All Berries, 15.0, 3.7 tsp
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries, 14.7, 3.6 tsp
• Kellogg's Froot Loops Marshmallow, 14.0,3.5 tsp
• Kellogg's Smorz, 13.0, 3.2 tsp
• Kellogg's Apple Jacks, 12.0, 3.0 tsp
• Kellogg's Froot Loops Original, 12.0, 3 tsp
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
When a choice of cereal is set in front of children they will usually grab the brightly colored box with "fun" cereal inside of it. This type of cereal is usually filled with sugar to sweeten the meal for tastebuds. The other box is usually chosen by adults as whole grain healthy morsels for breakfast. A serving of Honey Smacks packs more sugar than a twinkie while if you are eating a bowl of Cap n' Crunch you might as well be eating a few cookies.
This list was posted by the study:
The 10 Worst Cereals in terms of sugar per cup:
Cereal, grams of sugar per cup, teaspoons of sugar:
• Kellogg's Honey Smacks, 20.0, 5 tsp
• Post Golden Crisp, 18.7, 4.6 tsp.
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch Original, 16.0, 4 tsp.
• Quaker Oats Oh!s, 16.0, 4 tsp
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch OOPS! All Berries, 15.0, 3.7 tsp
• Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries, 14.7, 3.6 tsp
• Kellogg's Froot Loops Marshmallow, 14.0,3.5 tsp
• Kellogg's Smorz, 13.0, 3.2 tsp
• Kellogg's Apple Jacks, 12.0, 3.0 tsp
• Kellogg's Froot Loops Original, 12.0, 3 tsp
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
FTC and FDA to Ban Homeopathic HCG
HCG weight loss products can be a miracle for those struggling with weight that does not seem to want to budge. It is a real thing and it truly works, but only if done in the correct way. The surge in this diet has had people rushing to the Internet and even the local supermarket to pull it off the shelves. While it is safe when given under proper supervision and prescription, the FDA and FTC are putting a stop to homeopathic HCG products.
The FDA and FTC recently sent letters to companies warning they were violating federal law by selling the homeopathic form of HCG when they have not been approved. The HCG protocol is based on the fact that the HCG hormone triggers the body to release stored fats and deliver the nutrition needed to supplement a low caloric intake. The labeling for the homeopathic HCG products states that each product should be taken in conjunction with a very low calorie diet. Homeopathic HCG is not prescribed and can usually be accessed at a local health food store. It is a liquid comprised of vitamins, stimulants and HCG. Pharmaceutical HCG is monitored by a doctor and is ensured to have a minimum of 125 international units of HCG. Patients must take a blood test and detail medical history before a prescription is even written to begin the program. Homeopathic products are not under supervision of a doctor. Anyone on a low caloric intake should be under medical supervision.
The homeopathic method has many people experiencing various side effects and many regaining the weight. This is often because there is not enough HCG present to truly affect the body. It is the same thing as merely going on a diet and putting the body in ketosis. The body begins to burn muscle instead of fat. Anyone on a 500 calorie diet will lose weight, but pharmaceutical HCG is safe, monitored and has enough of the product in it that it will not make you gain weight after the program is over. Homeopathic HCG could lead to many other health issues if not monitored.
The FDA and FTC says that deceptive advertising is a type of fraud. With no scientific evidence from homeopathic drugs there is not accurate information for consumers to make a good decision. The companies have 15 days to notify the FDA of the steps they have taken to correct the violations cited. Failure to do so may result in legal action, including seizure and injunction, or criminal prosecution.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
The FDA and FTC recently sent letters to companies warning they were violating federal law by selling the homeopathic form of HCG when they have not been approved. The HCG protocol is based on the fact that the HCG hormone triggers the body to release stored fats and deliver the nutrition needed to supplement a low caloric intake. The labeling for the homeopathic HCG products states that each product should be taken in conjunction with a very low calorie diet. Homeopathic HCG is not prescribed and can usually be accessed at a local health food store. It is a liquid comprised of vitamins, stimulants and HCG. Pharmaceutical HCG is monitored by a doctor and is ensured to have a minimum of 125 international units of HCG. Patients must take a blood test and detail medical history before a prescription is even written to begin the program. Homeopathic products are not under supervision of a doctor. Anyone on a low caloric intake should be under medical supervision.
The homeopathic method has many people experiencing various side effects and many regaining the weight. This is often because there is not enough HCG present to truly affect the body. It is the same thing as merely going on a diet and putting the body in ketosis. The body begins to burn muscle instead of fat. Anyone on a 500 calorie diet will lose weight, but pharmaceutical HCG is safe, monitored and has enough of the product in it that it will not make you gain weight after the program is over. Homeopathic HCG could lead to many other health issues if not monitored.
The FDA and FTC says that deceptive advertising is a type of fraud. With no scientific evidence from homeopathic drugs there is not accurate information for consumers to make a good decision. The companies have 15 days to notify the FDA of the steps they have taken to correct the violations cited. Failure to do so may result in legal action, including seizure and injunction, or criminal prosecution.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Friday, December 2, 2011
Eating Healthy While Traveling During The Holidays
For many people celebrating the holidays at their home is not a luxury. Most people travel to visit family and friends during the holiday season. Eating in the car, throwing back snacks on the long trip, eating out and not being able to prepare your own meal in your own kitchen can throw off the health kick. Traveling does not have to mean you are doomed to be unhealthy this holiday season.
As you pack the bags and maybe the kids' bags think about another bag you need to pack... the snack pack. Carrying along a small cooler is even better so you can pack water and refrigerated snacks. Instead of stopping along the way at convenience stores you can reach into the snack pack and pull out some healthy suggestions. If you do plan to stop and eat at a restaurant on the way make sure to do a little research. Find a restaurant your family will agree on and plan to go there instead of every fast food choice that is spread out every mile of the trip.
Once you get to your destination there will probably be all sorts of goodies spread out on the table. Hosts usually like to make a lot of goodies for their guests. Remember to be careful when grazing. Research again comes in handy here. Make sure you know what you are putting in your mouth. Calories stack up quickly when it comes to the holiday goodies.
Traveling often gives us a feeling of being away from our own world. We don't have as many things we just have to do or places we need to be which can leave us mindlessly eating. Be careful not to fall into boredom eating. Just because it's on the table and it is luring you to indulge does not mean you need to give in every minute of the day. Make a pact with yourself that you will only eat this or that during the day.
Never tell yourself or your family things are off limits because that just makes it even more enticing. The rule is always to do things in moderation. The holidays don't provide the excuse to pig out just because you are away from home. Make the time more about enjoying family and friends instead of gulping down the eggnog and cookies. Keep yourself busy with loved ones by playing games or having a chat session. Even better go outside and play with the little ones. Make this holiday season of travel a destination filled with love and laughter instead of cakes and cookies.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
As you pack the bags and maybe the kids' bags think about another bag you need to pack... the snack pack. Carrying along a small cooler is even better so you can pack water and refrigerated snacks. Instead of stopping along the way at convenience stores you can reach into the snack pack and pull out some healthy suggestions. If you do plan to stop and eat at a restaurant on the way make sure to do a little research. Find a restaurant your family will agree on and plan to go there instead of every fast food choice that is spread out every mile of the trip.
Once you get to your destination there will probably be all sorts of goodies spread out on the table. Hosts usually like to make a lot of goodies for their guests. Remember to be careful when grazing. Research again comes in handy here. Make sure you know what you are putting in your mouth. Calories stack up quickly when it comes to the holiday goodies.
Traveling often gives us a feeling of being away from our own world. We don't have as many things we just have to do or places we need to be which can leave us mindlessly eating. Be careful not to fall into boredom eating. Just because it's on the table and it is luring you to indulge does not mean you need to give in every minute of the day. Make a pact with yourself that you will only eat this or that during the day.
Never tell yourself or your family things are off limits because that just makes it even more enticing. The rule is always to do things in moderation. The holidays don't provide the excuse to pig out just because you are away from home. Make the time more about enjoying family and friends instead of gulping down the eggnog and cookies. Keep yourself busy with loved ones by playing games or having a chat session. Even better go outside and play with the little ones. Make this holiday season of travel a destination filled with love and laughter instead of cakes and cookies.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Holiday Drinks Pack High Calories To Destroy Your Diet
Going on a liquid diet during the holidays could plummet your actual diet instead of help you stay healthy. Holiday beverages are filled with calories lurking beneath the surface of their yummy exterior. Being educated on what is really in your drink could save you a lot of calories this holiday season.
Eggnog is a Christmas classic. A beverage made of milk, cream, eggs and liquor just cannot be good for you! It sounds a little like ice cream in a liquid form. In one cup you could pack as much as 19 grams of fat. There are light eggnogs on the shelves that offer five grams of fat per cup. It still isn't exactly healthy, but for those that cannot go without the nog it might be the answer.
Every coffeehouse is rolling out the red carpet for peppermint mochas and pumpkin spice lattes during the winter. If they are made with whole milk and whipped cream you are looking at 470 calories and 13 to 22 grams of fat packed in 16 ounces! Skim or soy milk will help the calories as well as if you go for the sugar free syrup if it is provided.
The holiday business parties might be hard to get through without an alcoholic beverage. Margaritas made with limeade and tequila don't have fat, but beware of the sugar and over 400 calories packed into ten ounces of drink. The biggest problem with alcoholic beverages is that in moderation they are just fine, but most people down a few at holiday gatherings. The calories add up quickly. Martinis,mojitos and champagne only have about 185 calories. Keep it to one or two drinks and you are okay, but over that you might not only be full of calories, but also making a fool of yourself.
There are a million ways to make hot chocolate. It is usually made with milk, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. The sugar intake will skyrocket if you are not careful. Inhaling 16 grams of fat might not be the best idea so going with skim or soy milk and leaving the whipped cream off will save many calories.
One holiday drink where you usually cannot go wrong is cider. With under 150 calories in an eight ounce serving you sip it slowly as it is hot and you don't usually drink a few in one sitting.
The temptation of warm beverages doesn't end after the holiday season so decide now what is best for your body and make good decisions when surrounded with the temptation to drink your calories.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Eggnog is a Christmas classic. A beverage made of milk, cream, eggs and liquor just cannot be good for you! It sounds a little like ice cream in a liquid form. In one cup you could pack as much as 19 grams of fat. There are light eggnogs on the shelves that offer five grams of fat per cup. It still isn't exactly healthy, but for those that cannot go without the nog it might be the answer.
Every coffeehouse is rolling out the red carpet for peppermint mochas and pumpkin spice lattes during the winter. If they are made with whole milk and whipped cream you are looking at 470 calories and 13 to 22 grams of fat packed in 16 ounces! Skim or soy milk will help the calories as well as if you go for the sugar free syrup if it is provided.
The holiday business parties might be hard to get through without an alcoholic beverage. Margaritas made with limeade and tequila don't have fat, but beware of the sugar and over 400 calories packed into ten ounces of drink. The biggest problem with alcoholic beverages is that in moderation they are just fine, but most people down a few at holiday gatherings. The calories add up quickly. Martinis,mojitos and champagne only have about 185 calories. Keep it to one or two drinks and you are okay, but over that you might not only be full of calories, but also making a fool of yourself.
There are a million ways to make hot chocolate. It is usually made with milk, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. The sugar intake will skyrocket if you are not careful. Inhaling 16 grams of fat might not be the best idea so going with skim or soy milk and leaving the whipped cream off will save many calories.
One holiday drink where you usually cannot go wrong is cider. With under 150 calories in an eight ounce serving you sip it slowly as it is hot and you don't usually drink a few in one sitting.
The temptation of warm beverages doesn't end after the holiday season so decide now what is best for your body and make good decisions when surrounded with the temptation to drink your calories.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Davisson Clinic: The Psychology of Losing Weight During the Holidays
It's hard enough to lose weight without the added stress of everyone telling you the holidays just are too hard to lose that weight and maybe you should just wait. This statement only proves even more that losing weight can be more psychological than physical. Yes, there are more goodies tempting you during the holidays, but goodies are available year round at the grocery store and gatherings. It's a choice whether to overindulge. Dieting is about a lifestyle change of choices.
You must make the decision to lose weight. Nothing will happen until you mentally decide it is time to shed those pounds. You may have a day or two where you fall off the wagon and eat like a horse. You have to realize that is just fine and you better jump right back on the wagon instead of giving up.
At first it is easy to tackle the dieting lifestyle. You are ready to see results and get to the end of the journey. The problem with this thought is that over time you might get bored with eating well and not seeing the exact results you want. Remember pounds don't just jump away overnight. As you slip into the slums of dieting and the excitement fades remember the goal you had in mind. Remember the benefits you will reap at the end of this journey. It's easy to jump back into old habits, but it isn't healthy. Make being healthy exciting to you so once you think of that journey you smile instead of frown thinking about healthy foods and that treadmill. The journey should be exciting and the beginning of something new for you and your entire future.
There are a million tricks out there that say you can lose five pounds in a day. It sounds all good, but those five pounds are probably just water weight. The only diet at this time that will help you safely lose over one pound in a week is the HCG diet where prescription shots or drops are given to help fat be eaten away faster. The rest of the diets only deplete water and muscle. This journey is not a fast race as the human body cannot keep up with it if it was a race! The changing of eating habits might be slow as you slowly choose the foods that are better for you and learn to incorporate them into each meal.
There are not many dieters in the world who can honestly say they never cheat. No one is a perfect dieter and no one is a competitive diet winner. There is no such thing as our bodies all work differently. The dieters that succeed are the ones who do not take their eyes off the prize. You may eat horribly one day and feel horrible because of it. Hopefully this feeling will help boost your confidence back into the dieting ring. Do not let guilt keep you fat. Let that guilt guide you to a better tomorrow.
As the holidays lure you with their goodies just remember to keep your eye on the journey. The holidays are not the enemy, but can be a welcome friend. While others are gaining the weight that society claims they just have to gain, you can be shedding those pounds because you know the holidays cannot hold you hostage from your goals.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
You must make the decision to lose weight. Nothing will happen until you mentally decide it is time to shed those pounds. You may have a day or two where you fall off the wagon and eat like a horse. You have to realize that is just fine and you better jump right back on the wagon instead of giving up.
At first it is easy to tackle the dieting lifestyle. You are ready to see results and get to the end of the journey. The problem with this thought is that over time you might get bored with eating well and not seeing the exact results you want. Remember pounds don't just jump away overnight. As you slip into the slums of dieting and the excitement fades remember the goal you had in mind. Remember the benefits you will reap at the end of this journey. It's easy to jump back into old habits, but it isn't healthy. Make being healthy exciting to you so once you think of that journey you smile instead of frown thinking about healthy foods and that treadmill. The journey should be exciting and the beginning of something new for you and your entire future.
There are a million tricks out there that say you can lose five pounds in a day. It sounds all good, but those five pounds are probably just water weight. The only diet at this time that will help you safely lose over one pound in a week is the HCG diet where prescription shots or drops are given to help fat be eaten away faster. The rest of the diets only deplete water and muscle. This journey is not a fast race as the human body cannot keep up with it if it was a race! The changing of eating habits might be slow as you slowly choose the foods that are better for you and learn to incorporate them into each meal.
There are not many dieters in the world who can honestly say they never cheat. No one is a perfect dieter and no one is a competitive diet winner. There is no such thing as our bodies all work differently. The dieters that succeed are the ones who do not take their eyes off the prize. You may eat horribly one day and feel horrible because of it. Hopefully this feeling will help boost your confidence back into the dieting ring. Do not let guilt keep you fat. Let that guilt guide you to a better tomorrow.
As the holidays lure you with their goodies just remember to keep your eye on the journey. The holidays are not the enemy, but can be a welcome friend. While others are gaining the weight that society claims they just have to gain, you can be shedding those pounds because you know the holidays cannot hold you hostage from your goals.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Monday, November 28, 2011
Getting Back On The Diet Track After Thanksgiving Indulgence
A few days of eating a Thanksgiving feast and all of its leftovers could leave you struggling to fit in your pants as you get ready to go back to work. Eating and drinking too much over the holidays can actually lead to feeling sick and not wanting to get out of bed. This is not such a good feeling when the treadmill is where you should be after the calorie intake. The diet does not have to crash because you got derailed by those yummy calories.
Start slowly by eating right. Green is the way to go. Not only do vegetables have fiber to help flush the toxins away, but they are good for you, too. They help detox the body. Fiber can be a key ingredient to helping you feel better. Breakfast is a great place to start the fiber grubbing. Eating a good breakfast will help the day start off right and that fiber will help keep you fuller longer.
Drink up. We aren’t talking about eggnog here either. That drink of eggnog could have amped up your calorie intake by a few hundreds. Water and tea are the best forms of beverage to help get back on track. Sodium is packed in the Thanksgiving dinner so your tummy could be feeling a bit bloated. Water will help release this feeling. Water is good for everything, but especially great for helping flush away the toxins. Tea helps with digestion. Ginger and chamomile tea give relief as well. Green tea has been shown in studies to rev up metabolism giving it a double whammy effect on those killer calories.
After you’ve had that nice breakfast with a big glass of water make a plan to help get yourself back on track at the gym or in the wintry air. We all can agree the holiday gathering and goodies don’t end with Thanksgiving. It’s best to have a form of attack against the plates glaring at you just wanting you to indulge. A little indulgence is always okay, but without a plan you might find yourself devouring the entire plate of cookies. Most gyms are crammed with people after New Years that have failed and just want to lose that weight. The best feeling could be you are miles ahead of those people both literally on the treadmill and figuratively in the healthy world.
A friendly game of football, basketball or soccer can help your motor get running. Shopping in the crowds for those perfect gifts will also help the body get going. Anything that makes your heart rate soar will help get back on track. During the Thanksgiving holidays you may have been in the recliner enjoying football on the television. Now it’s time to throw the couch potato on the floor and get to being active. Decorating the house for the holidays will not only get your inner child glowing, but will burn calories as you rush around.
As the holiday gathering invitations begin to cover your refrigerator be prepared for the food and fun of it all. You don’t have to eat all of the food at the gathering. You can nibble on a few goodies and move on with the social aspect of it all. If you find yourself having a big meal again just wait a bit for the dessert and you might not even be as hungry as you thought. Those pants will fit and you will get a running start on the traditional New Year’s resolution to stay healthy.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Start slowly by eating right. Green is the way to go. Not only do vegetables have fiber to help flush the toxins away, but they are good for you, too. They help detox the body. Fiber can be a key ingredient to helping you feel better. Breakfast is a great place to start the fiber grubbing. Eating a good breakfast will help the day start off right and that fiber will help keep you fuller longer.
Drink up. We aren’t talking about eggnog here either. That drink of eggnog could have amped up your calorie intake by a few hundreds. Water and tea are the best forms of beverage to help get back on track. Sodium is packed in the Thanksgiving dinner so your tummy could be feeling a bit bloated. Water will help release this feeling. Water is good for everything, but especially great for helping flush away the toxins. Tea helps with digestion. Ginger and chamomile tea give relief as well. Green tea has been shown in studies to rev up metabolism giving it a double whammy effect on those killer calories.
After you’ve had that nice breakfast with a big glass of water make a plan to help get yourself back on track at the gym or in the wintry air. We all can agree the holiday gathering and goodies don’t end with Thanksgiving. It’s best to have a form of attack against the plates glaring at you just wanting you to indulge. A little indulgence is always okay, but without a plan you might find yourself devouring the entire plate of cookies. Most gyms are crammed with people after New Years that have failed and just want to lose that weight. The best feeling could be you are miles ahead of those people both literally on the treadmill and figuratively in the healthy world.
A friendly game of football, basketball or soccer can help your motor get running. Shopping in the crowds for those perfect gifts will also help the body get going. Anything that makes your heart rate soar will help get back on track. During the Thanksgiving holidays you may have been in the recliner enjoying football on the television. Now it’s time to throw the couch potato on the floor and get to being active. Decorating the house for the holidays will not only get your inner child glowing, but will burn calories as you rush around.
As the holiday gathering invitations begin to cover your refrigerator be prepared for the food and fun of it all. You don’t have to eat all of the food at the gathering. You can nibble on a few goodies and move on with the social aspect of it all. If you find yourself having a big meal again just wait a bit for the dessert and you might not even be as hungry as you thought. Those pants will fit and you will get a running start on the traditional New Year’s resolution to stay healthy.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Sodium Packed Thanksgiving Meal
One meal can ruin an entire month's worth of work. The Thanksgiving meal can pack a hefty amount of calories in one sitting. 320 calories sit in the pumpkin pie slice. Not too bad, but most people don't just stop at one piece. They also pair that piece of pie with a plate piled high with Thanksgiving goodies. It is one meal. Think of it this way and you won't jump into the bowl of gravy. There will also be leftovers so you don't have to eat the entire buffet in one sitting.
Another big shocker for most is that Thanksgiving food is packed with sodium. You already know you are going to unbutton the pants after dinner so why feel like a floating blowfish at the same time? The traditional turkey is not packed with sodium, but if you buy it from the deli already sliced make sure to double check the fine print. Stuffing brings a whopping 600 milligrams, gravy adds about 300 more and if you used canned goods then you are turning up the temperature to about 350 milligrams each. Preserved foods use sodium. The family members and friends that bring side dishes baked out of a box are the ones bringing the excess salt to the table.
It all goes back to the elder's way of cooking. The oldest at the feast will probably tell you their Thanksgiving meals were cooked from scratch with feast from the farm animals. If you don't live on a farm then don't fret either. The cook can have control over the sodium if they are making everything from scratch. Most cooking aids do come in low sodium these days. You can watch how you make the foods from scratch. Potatoes are better with a touch of salt, but not much. They can be given flavor in other ways. Many spices and herbs can give taste to food as well. Just be careful those spices aren't hiding salt. Food never has to be bland, but does not need salt to spice it up. The elders will tell you they never lacked in the taste department at a holiday gathering.
Making good choices will help save the month and not leave you in a food coma on the couch after dinner. One meal does not have to mean the diet is doomed and you are ready for failure. Enjoy the good meal in small portions and wake up ready to tackle the holiday festivities.
Another big shocker for most is that Thanksgiving food is packed with sodium. You already know you are going to unbutton the pants after dinner so why feel like a floating blowfish at the same time? The traditional turkey is not packed with sodium, but if you buy it from the deli already sliced make sure to double check the fine print. Stuffing brings a whopping 600 milligrams, gravy adds about 300 more and if you used canned goods then you are turning up the temperature to about 350 milligrams each. Preserved foods use sodium. The family members and friends that bring side dishes baked out of a box are the ones bringing the excess salt to the table.
It all goes back to the elder's way of cooking. The oldest at the feast will probably tell you their Thanksgiving meals were cooked from scratch with feast from the farm animals. If you don't live on a farm then don't fret either. The cook can have control over the sodium if they are making everything from scratch. Most cooking aids do come in low sodium these days. You can watch how you make the foods from scratch. Potatoes are better with a touch of salt, but not much. They can be given flavor in other ways. Many spices and herbs can give taste to food as well. Just be careful those spices aren't hiding salt. Food never has to be bland, but does not need salt to spice it up. The elders will tell you they never lacked in the taste department at a holiday gathering.
Making good choices will help save the month and not leave you in a food coma on the couch after dinner. One meal does not have to mean the diet is doomed and you are ready for failure. Enjoy the good meal in small portions and wake up ready to tackle the holiday festivities.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Stay Fit Through The Holiday Stress
It seems these days the holidays might as well start in September. Christmas decor slowly starts springing up as the holidays inch closer and closer. This means for many people the stress is beginning earlier each year as well. Don't let stress contribute to that holiday weight gain.
Truthfully it is a myth that the holidays make us gain weight. It isn't the holidays. It's the lack of self willpower around the holiday goodies. This is just one thing of many that can cause us to stress. Once we stress our bodies make more cortisol making us crave sweet foods and lead to weight gain.
Time with the family can definitely cause stress leading you to stuff cookies in your mouth. Family knows the most about us and knows just how to push our buttons. On the other hand a family gathering can force people to be in a room with relatives they hardly know just grasping at anything to chat about. That type of awkward conversation can lead to grazing just a bit too much to comfort ourselves.
A season should not lead you to pack on the pounds. It is all up to you how to think about it. If you let the stress of shopping for an entire list and making the best food and having the cleanest house for the parties then those inches could creep on. You know if you are an emotional eater. If you find yourself reaching for the pretty Christmas M&M bag when you are feeling overwhelmed, you might be an emotional eater! Ask yourself if you really want that piece of chocolate or are you just postponing thinking of other things at that very moment. Instead of eating reach for those car keys and go to the mall to get those gifts you are stressing about and blow off some steam at the same time.
The economy isn't back to where it was a few years ago so no one expects a million dollar gift. It is in the back of our minds to please everyone with gifts. Most people would be touched with a heartfelt gift that was made with your own hands. Most people don't expect diamond earrings no matter what the commercials tell you. Putting stress on your pocketbook will only put more stress on your body.
If you don't follow any of this, ask around. Friends and family will tell you the exact same thing. All of the advertisements at this time of year make us think the world is our oyster of gifts. The amazing photos in the magazines showing perfectly decorated homes are actually set up by publishers and photographers. Most of those homes just don't exist. If those homes had a few kids and a few pets then their house would look just like ours. A disheveled home full of homemade Christmas decorations by the kids and presents scattered under the tree in an unorganized fashion show the world you are living it up. You are living with love. Don't let the anxiety of having a picture perfect holiday season overshadow the true reason for the season.
With all of this said it's just fine to reach for an occasional treat. If you don't then you could be setting yourself up to eat an entire table of desserts. Wait a little bit to indulge then take what will fill you up and make you happy. Don't stress about it. Just eat it and enjoy every little morsel then move on with life.
The holidays are a time of loved ones. Gifts are wonderful and thoughtful, but remember it is always the thought that counts. Cortisol does not need to rule your holiday season.
Stress should never take the place of the joy and happiness the season holds. Try to hold on to the goodness and don't get swept up in the commercialization. If you do all of this then once that New Year rolls around you will be ready to tackle it with enthusiasm instead of just stressing some more about time on the treadmill.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Truthfully it is a myth that the holidays make us gain weight. It isn't the holidays. It's the lack of self willpower around the holiday goodies. This is just one thing of many that can cause us to stress. Once we stress our bodies make more cortisol making us crave sweet foods and lead to weight gain.
Time with the family can definitely cause stress leading you to stuff cookies in your mouth. Family knows the most about us and knows just how to push our buttons. On the other hand a family gathering can force people to be in a room with relatives they hardly know just grasping at anything to chat about. That type of awkward conversation can lead to grazing just a bit too much to comfort ourselves.
A season should not lead you to pack on the pounds. It is all up to you how to think about it. If you let the stress of shopping for an entire list and making the best food and having the cleanest house for the parties then those inches could creep on. You know if you are an emotional eater. If you find yourself reaching for the pretty Christmas M&M bag when you are feeling overwhelmed, you might be an emotional eater! Ask yourself if you really want that piece of chocolate or are you just postponing thinking of other things at that very moment. Instead of eating reach for those car keys and go to the mall to get those gifts you are stressing about and blow off some steam at the same time.
The economy isn't back to where it was a few years ago so no one expects a million dollar gift. It is in the back of our minds to please everyone with gifts. Most people would be touched with a heartfelt gift that was made with your own hands. Most people don't expect diamond earrings no matter what the commercials tell you. Putting stress on your pocketbook will only put more stress on your body.
If you don't follow any of this, ask around. Friends and family will tell you the exact same thing. All of the advertisements at this time of year make us think the world is our oyster of gifts. The amazing photos in the magazines showing perfectly decorated homes are actually set up by publishers and photographers. Most of those homes just don't exist. If those homes had a few kids and a few pets then their house would look just like ours. A disheveled home full of homemade Christmas decorations by the kids and presents scattered under the tree in an unorganized fashion show the world you are living it up. You are living with love. Don't let the anxiety of having a picture perfect holiday season overshadow the true reason for the season.
With all of this said it's just fine to reach for an occasional treat. If you don't then you could be setting yourself up to eat an entire table of desserts. Wait a little bit to indulge then take what will fill you up and make you happy. Don't stress about it. Just eat it and enjoy every little morsel then move on with life.
The holidays are a time of loved ones. Gifts are wonderful and thoughtful, but remember it is always the thought that counts. Cortisol does not need to rule your holiday season.
Stress should never take the place of the joy and happiness the season holds. Try to hold on to the goodness and don't get swept up in the commercialization. If you do all of this then once that New Year rolls around you will be ready to tackle it with enthusiasm instead of just stressing some more about time on the treadmill.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wintry Workouts Without The Work
The cold winter air offers a plethora of activities outside for the family to keep fitness on its journey during the holidays. As the holidays grow closer and closer families are swarmed with a busy calendar. Sometimes it is hard to fit a workout in the schedule of party after party, but there are many ways out there to keep fit without getting on the treadmill.
Holiday goodies lurk everywhere you turn as you shop, attend parties and are given gifts. You can nibble on some in moderation as long as it doesn't turn into a daily holiday activity. If you realize these monsters are lurking to jump out at you make sure you try to exercise in the morning before the temptations begin. If you can fit in a morning workout then go right ahead. The rest of the day will be free for that busy schedule.
Shopping alone or with the family will burn many calories without even having to do that morning workout. Some malls offer multiple levels for you to climb in search of the perfect gifts. Heavy bags create weights to lug around the mall as you walk burning calories as well. Kids in tow is even better as they drag you to store after store. Their endless energy will be contagious and keep you going.
Wintry weather often brings snow and ice. It may be cold, but it provides a list of outdoor fun. Ice skating rinks offer a great workout wrapped in family fun. It is an activity for all ages and all sizes. Skiing, sledding or snowshoeing are also wonderful ideas for a winter workout if you live in a place that offers these types of activities. If not there are other things you can do outside with the family keeping fitness in order. Walk around the neighborhood looking at the bright holiday lights. You won't even notice it is a little workout because you will be amazed with the beauty. Playing sports with kids in the yard will help you forget the cold winter air. You can also engage family and friends in a leave raking party. Raking leaves is a great workout for the entire body and will leave you feeling the burn.
Get the whole family involved with the fitness fun. Kids have a lot of energy and burn off those holiday goodies a lot quicker than adults. It doesn't mean they get to skip out on keeping healthy during the holidays as well. The holidays are not an excuse to pack on the pounds just to shed them later. They can be a time to eat some goodies and burn them off in a fun way. Once you think of fitness as fun the holiday goodies won't see so scary and the wintry workouts won't seem like workouts at all.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Holiday goodies lurk everywhere you turn as you shop, attend parties and are given gifts. You can nibble on some in moderation as long as it doesn't turn into a daily holiday activity. If you realize these monsters are lurking to jump out at you make sure you try to exercise in the morning before the temptations begin. If you can fit in a morning workout then go right ahead. The rest of the day will be free for that busy schedule.
Shopping alone or with the family will burn many calories without even having to do that morning workout. Some malls offer multiple levels for you to climb in search of the perfect gifts. Heavy bags create weights to lug around the mall as you walk burning calories as well. Kids in tow is even better as they drag you to store after store. Their endless energy will be contagious and keep you going.
Wintry weather often brings snow and ice. It may be cold, but it provides a list of outdoor fun. Ice skating rinks offer a great workout wrapped in family fun. It is an activity for all ages and all sizes. Skiing, sledding or snowshoeing are also wonderful ideas for a winter workout if you live in a place that offers these types of activities. If not there are other things you can do outside with the family keeping fitness in order. Walk around the neighborhood looking at the bright holiday lights. You won't even notice it is a little workout because you will be amazed with the beauty. Playing sports with kids in the yard will help you forget the cold winter air. You can also engage family and friends in a leave raking party. Raking leaves is a great workout for the entire body and will leave you feeling the burn.
Get the whole family involved with the fitness fun. Kids have a lot of energy and burn off those holiday goodies a lot quicker than adults. It doesn't mean they get to skip out on keeping healthy during the holidays as well. The holidays are not an excuse to pack on the pounds just to shed them later. They can be a time to eat some goodies and burn them off in a fun way. Once you think of fitness as fun the holiday goodies won't see so scary and the wintry workouts won't seem like workouts at all.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Metabolism Boosters to Lose Weight Faster
There is no magic genie that can transform flab to fit in the blink of an eye; however, there are things we can do to make this happen in almost that blink of the eye.
Drink up. No, not that kind of drink. We are talking about green tea and water. Water is the best thing for you at any time, but green tea will spark metabolism. Drinking three cups of green tea each day will jolt the metabolism into overdrive helping to burn calories. Drinking ice cold water forced the body to use extra calories burning away the coldness.
Most dieters know skipping meals can crash the entire diet. Skipping breakfast is the worst. Breakfast is the engine starter for metabolism. The engine is now started, but if the engine is not given fuel every few hours it begins to slow down burning less and less fat. Every three hours it is good to have a healthy snack to keep the body regulated. Eating every few hours does not mean having a chocolate bar for one snack and a few cups of ice cream for another snack either. Shut down the eating machine after 6 PM to help the body digest and allow us to sleep better.
Some women swear doing strength training makes them weigh more. Yes, but muscle weighs more and looks better than fat. Strength training speeds the metabolism and burns more calories. Free weights are better than machines as they force the person working out to use more muscles. Cardio activity is also important to burning calories. It's best to rotate speeds on the treadmill or elliptical making it go fast for a few minutes then back down to walking for a few minutes. Thirty minutes of cardio a day whether it is in ten minute intervals or a straight workout will help keep the extra calories at bay.
Spicing up food will actually boost your metabolism. Those things that make your mouth burn, your eyes cry and leave you grabbing for the water are a great thing for weight loss! They also taste pretty good, too. Chili peppers, jalapenos, hot sauce and hot mustard are just a few things that will help us burn an extra 75 calories over three hours. Eating the food that takes a while to burn also boosts the metabolism. Fiber and protein take the body longer to digest.
Nothing happens overnight. It takes a decision to make a difference in our body and go after that decision. Eating right and exercising will always help a dieter reach that goal, but doing little things mentioned in this article will speed up the journey to the goal.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Drink up. No, not that kind of drink. We are talking about green tea and water. Water is the best thing for you at any time, but green tea will spark metabolism. Drinking three cups of green tea each day will jolt the metabolism into overdrive helping to burn calories. Drinking ice cold water forced the body to use extra calories burning away the coldness.
Most dieters know skipping meals can crash the entire diet. Skipping breakfast is the worst. Breakfast is the engine starter for metabolism. The engine is now started, but if the engine is not given fuel every few hours it begins to slow down burning less and less fat. Every three hours it is good to have a healthy snack to keep the body regulated. Eating every few hours does not mean having a chocolate bar for one snack and a few cups of ice cream for another snack either. Shut down the eating machine after 6 PM to help the body digest and allow us to sleep better.
Some women swear doing strength training makes them weigh more. Yes, but muscle weighs more and looks better than fat. Strength training speeds the metabolism and burns more calories. Free weights are better than machines as they force the person working out to use more muscles. Cardio activity is also important to burning calories. It's best to rotate speeds on the treadmill or elliptical making it go fast for a few minutes then back down to walking for a few minutes. Thirty minutes of cardio a day whether it is in ten minute intervals or a straight workout will help keep the extra calories at bay.
Spicing up food will actually boost your metabolism. Those things that make your mouth burn, your eyes cry and leave you grabbing for the water are a great thing for weight loss! They also taste pretty good, too. Chili peppers, jalapenos, hot sauce and hot mustard are just a few things that will help us burn an extra 75 calories over three hours. Eating the food that takes a while to burn also boosts the metabolism. Fiber and protein take the body longer to digest.
Nothing happens overnight. It takes a decision to make a difference in our body and go after that decision. Eating right and exercising will always help a dieter reach that goal, but doing little things mentioned in this article will speed up the journey to the goal.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Deadly Sugary Drinks for Women
Most restaurants do not offer an entree of 25 packs of sugar. It just is not on the menu. Shouldn't it be on the menu if consumers throw down more sugar than just 25 packs in a usual day? It may sound absurd, but consumers are downing this much sugar in as much as one soft drink. The health factors of sugar have been crammed down our throats for decades, but there is a new fear stemming from sugar intake that not many people had brought to the table.
This fear focuses on women's intake of sugary drinks. Drinking two or more sugary drinks each day puts women at a very large risk for high triglycerides and diabetes as well as lowers good cholesterol. Sugary drinks are easy to stack up on each day. The woman may chug an energy drink or coffee filled with sugar and cream in the morning then a soda with lunch and sugary fruit juice with dinner. Though the woman may not feel she is overindulging on sugar the body is being attacked by sugar particles threatening her health.
For years we've heard sugary drinks cause women and men to pack on the pounds. Sugary drinks expand the waistline over time leading to weight gain. This might cause some with a small frame to think they have the green light to drink whatever they want because the pounds just never seem to stick. The truth is that sugary drinks affect all women big or small the same way in the bloodstream. Fructose in these drinks is toxic and metabolized in our bodies from glucose. Also heavy soda consumers produce fat that affects blood pressure which directly affects heart disease and diabetes. This type of belly fat is not only hard to get rid of, but can be toxic to the body.
Men should always keep an eye on sugar intake, but sugary drinks do not seem to hit their system the same way as women. Women's bodies need less energy for metabolism than men making it so that one soda for women may equal three for men.
Some women may still want to order those 25 packs of sugar to get their dose of sugary goodness. Sugary drinks are something that even in moderation may not be worth the health disadvantages. If one drink can lead to heart disease just think what a few orders of that 25 pack sugar special will do to the body over time.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Monday, November 14, 2011
Regular Dental Visits Help Prevent Heart Disease
Brushing your teeth could save your life. Good dental hygiene can lead to a longer healthier life because it can actually help prevent heart attacks. It's simple as brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque and bacteria. If this mess is not scraped away it will build up escalating to gum disease which allows the bacteria into the blood stream causing arteries to inflame. The bacteria that is present in the plaque can cause blood clots in the arteries as well. Arterial plaque can come loose and travel to other parts of the body that can create a blockage in the brain causing a stroke.
Dental health can be genetic meaning some people just make more plaque and are prone to gum disease; however, some people just do not give their mouth the attention it needs to stay healthy. Either way it is important to get regular cleanings and brush teeth daily for your overall health. Infections that lead to gum disease do not spring up overnight. Bacteria slowly builds and slowly thickens the artery walls. It is important to realize gum disease is not the cause of heart disease, but it can be a contributing factor.
There are many types of infections lurking in the mouth. Gingivitis is one of the best known infections in the mouth. It affects the gums causing them to be inflamed, swollen and bleed. Bacteria within plaque lead to chronic inflammation of the gum line and tooth loss. Pericoronitis is caused when the wisdom teeth do not emerge completely from the gums causing a gap. When food particles get accumulated they start decaying and weaken the roots of the teeth causing discomfort and pain.
Researchers have found that people who regularly see the dentist to get a deep cleaning reduce heart attack risk by almost 25 percent. Dental hygienists use special tools to scrape the bacteria from the teeth and gums. Scraping away this bacteria will help detour its journey to the heart. If infection is found in the mouth during cleaning local antibiotics are usually given to help eliminate bacteria as well. It is then imperative to brush your teeth as well as floss twice a day.
Deep cleaning, brushing and flossing will not eliminate the possibility of a heart attack. These things can never replace the healthy ways to keep the heart beating like diet and exercise, but they are easy steps to get rid of bacteria that can threaten your life.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Dental health can be genetic meaning some people just make more plaque and are prone to gum disease; however, some people just do not give their mouth the attention it needs to stay healthy. Either way it is important to get regular cleanings and brush teeth daily for your overall health. Infections that lead to gum disease do not spring up overnight. Bacteria slowly builds and slowly thickens the artery walls. It is important to realize gum disease is not the cause of heart disease, but it can be a contributing factor.
There are many types of infections lurking in the mouth. Gingivitis is one of the best known infections in the mouth. It affects the gums causing them to be inflamed, swollen and bleed. Bacteria within plaque lead to chronic inflammation of the gum line and tooth loss. Pericoronitis is caused when the wisdom teeth do not emerge completely from the gums causing a gap. When food particles get accumulated they start decaying and weaken the roots of the teeth causing discomfort and pain.
Researchers have found that people who regularly see the dentist to get a deep cleaning reduce heart attack risk by almost 25 percent. Dental hygienists use special tools to scrape the bacteria from the teeth and gums. Scraping away this bacteria will help detour its journey to the heart. If infection is found in the mouth during cleaning local antibiotics are usually given to help eliminate bacteria as well. It is then imperative to brush your teeth as well as floss twice a day.
Deep cleaning, brushing and flossing will not eliminate the possibility of a heart attack. These things can never replace the healthy ways to keep the heart beating like diet and exercise, but they are easy steps to get rid of bacteria that can threaten your life.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Friday, November 11, 2011
How To Stop The Dieting Rollercoaster
Dieting is like riding a rollercoaster. You wait in line for hours just to finally decide to start the diet. You begin and it is rocky. Finally you go down the hill throwing your hands in the air so excited that you are seeing the pounds fly off. Then you trudge uphill and hit a plateau. The flat part of the rollercoaster as it leads you to another drop. It seems like you are stuck forever putting along this part of the ride. Dieting will have these plateaus and not getting stuck in the rut during these times is essential to the outcome.
Think back to time when you were just hungry. Dinner seemed so far away and the hunger began to rip across your stomach. You became irritated, angry and anxious. Many dieters feel this way as well because their normal habits are interrupted. They are no longer eating the food filled with fats and the snacks filled with sugar. Their minds are confused and can get a bit antsy. Diet associated symptoms are caused by the decrease of serotonin in the brain. Seratonin is made when carbohydrates are eaten with little to no protein. Blood sugar changes react to a sudden calorie restriction. Some dieters may ask if this is a side effect then why even get on the ride? Life does not have to nosedive in order to lose weight. It can be done with a happy heart.
Dieting is about changing a lifestyle. It does not happen overnight because our minds do not work in this way. As the weight slowly falls away we will one day look in the mirror and smile. Having a good sense of how you see your body is very important. It is imperative to set realistic goals and give yourself ample time to reach those goals. The weight will fall off over time, but it is not going to suddenly jump out of your body after one day. Finding peace in this fact will help ease the anxiety.
Listen to your body. Eat when hungry, but do not eat out of boredom or anxiety. Always ask yourself if you are truly hungry. Make good choices for your body as well. Fried fish versus baked fish is a small decision that can come with big regret.
Exercise pumps up endorphins. Exercise for a bit and see if that will lift the mood. Imagine yourself walking off those pounds. It will put a smile on your face as you go through the motions.
Some people ride the diet rollercoaster all of their lives. They treat dieting as a diet rather than a lifestyle. Shoving butter in your mouth is not a lifestyle. If you laugh at that thought just remember as you are eating that piece of cake it is filled with a big ole stick of butter. The body runs on the food we put in it just like that rollercoaster runs on its little track. The ride will end once we realize keeping the weight off is just something we must work at each day. We must make right decisions and have the right goals in mind in order to stop the ride and enjoy the amusement park of life.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Think back to time when you were just hungry. Dinner seemed so far away and the hunger began to rip across your stomach. You became irritated, angry and anxious. Many dieters feel this way as well because their normal habits are interrupted. They are no longer eating the food filled with fats and the snacks filled with sugar. Their minds are confused and can get a bit antsy. Diet associated symptoms are caused by the decrease of serotonin in the brain. Seratonin is made when carbohydrates are eaten with little to no protein. Blood sugar changes react to a sudden calorie restriction. Some dieters may ask if this is a side effect then why even get on the ride? Life does not have to nosedive in order to lose weight. It can be done with a happy heart.
Dieting is about changing a lifestyle. It does not happen overnight because our minds do not work in this way. As the weight slowly falls away we will one day look in the mirror and smile. Having a good sense of how you see your body is very important. It is imperative to set realistic goals and give yourself ample time to reach those goals. The weight will fall off over time, but it is not going to suddenly jump out of your body after one day. Finding peace in this fact will help ease the anxiety.
Listen to your body. Eat when hungry, but do not eat out of boredom or anxiety. Always ask yourself if you are truly hungry. Make good choices for your body as well. Fried fish versus baked fish is a small decision that can come with big regret.
Exercise pumps up endorphins. Exercise for a bit and see if that will lift the mood. Imagine yourself walking off those pounds. It will put a smile on your face as you go through the motions.
Some people ride the diet rollercoaster all of their lives. They treat dieting as a diet rather than a lifestyle. Shoving butter in your mouth is not a lifestyle. If you laugh at that thought just remember as you are eating that piece of cake it is filled with a big ole stick of butter. The body runs on the food we put in it just like that rollercoaster runs on its little track. The ride will end once we realize keeping the weight off is just something we must work at each day. We must make right decisions and have the right goals in mind in order to stop the ride and enjoy the amusement park of life.
The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Adult ADHD
Everyone has experienced atleast one of the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. Once in everyone's lifetime they have fidgeted throughout a discussion, daydreamed during class or made an impulsive decision. ADD and ADHD are only diagnosed when many symptoms are presented and are severe enough to get in the way of everyday life. Adult Attention Deficit Disorder is diagnosed many years after the onset of symptoms. Many adults are not even aware they have had this their entire life, but symptoms can be traced back to childhood.
Many times adults with ADHD can look at their social and professional lives and see a trend. They often get bored and hop from job to job. They cannot hold a lasting close friendship many times either. Often they will begin a job as the star and hit a few homeruns. They will end up getting fired after they stop performing due to their own boredom. Many find it difficult to focus and prioritize leading to missed deadlines and forgotten meetings or social engagements.
Diagnosing ADHD is not as simple as just telling a doctor one has symptoms. Many disorders can be almost identical to ADHD. Anxiety and depression show many of the same signs. Doctors sit down with the patient to discuss their life as far back as early childhood. They ask questions about performance in school and social activities. Symptoms must be present from childhood and must show interference in the professional and social life.
A diagnosis of ADHD does not need to get in the way of everyday life. An accurate diagnosis will actually help that patient get back on track and live life to the fullest. Stimulant medication is a common and effective treatment for adult ADHD. Antidepressants are used at times as well. Treatment of adult ADHD may also include forms of anxiety or stress management.
In order to decide if one needs to seek a doctor to see if they have ADHD it is important to evaluate each day. If there is a problem every day to pay attention combined with hyperactivity and impulsive behavior it is time to seek a doctor. ADHD in adults will not go away without proper treatment.
Many times adults with ADHD can look at their social and professional lives and see a trend. They often get bored and hop from job to job. They cannot hold a lasting close friendship many times either. Often they will begin a job as the star and hit a few homeruns. They will end up getting fired after they stop performing due to their own boredom. Many find it difficult to focus and prioritize leading to missed deadlines and forgotten meetings or social engagements.
Diagnosing ADHD is not as simple as just telling a doctor one has symptoms. Many disorders can be almost identical to ADHD. Anxiety and depression show many of the same signs. Doctors sit down with the patient to discuss their life as far back as early childhood. They ask questions about performance in school and social activities. Symptoms must be present from childhood and must show interference in the professional and social life.
A diagnosis of ADHD does not need to get in the way of everyday life. An accurate diagnosis will actually help that patient get back on track and live life to the fullest. Stimulant medication is a common and effective treatment for adult ADHD. Antidepressants are used at times as well. Treatment of adult ADHD may also include forms of anxiety or stress management.
In order to decide if one needs to seek a doctor to see if they have ADHD it is important to evaluate each day. If there is a problem every day to pay attention combined with hyperactivity and impulsive behavior it is time to seek a doctor. ADHD in adults will not go away without proper treatment.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Six Types of ADD
There is so much information out there on Attention Deficit Disorder that people often do not know which thing to even begin to believe. Some say it is overdiagnosed. Some say it is a rising problem. The truth about ADD is that it can be seen in the brain. Scans of the brain show that ADD affects the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate gyrus, the temporal lobes, the basal ganglia and the deep limbic system. There are actually six main types of ADD. By knowing which type a patient different treatments are prescribed.
Classic ADD is the age old disorder by which most people categorize patients with ADD. Most with this type will have difficulty paying attention and leave tasks unfinished. They also are usually hyperactive and impulsive.
Inattentive ADD can often be described as a patient that is a daydreamer. They exhibit most of the common features of ADD, but they are not hyperactive. They actually have little to no energy. They are sluggish and enjoy to drift away from paying attention.
Overfocused ADD has all of the regular traits of ADD, but the patient may have trouble shifting attention and be negative. This type of patients worries excessively and is argumentative.
Temporal lobe ADD patients are often inattentive, irritable and aggressive. They often have memory and learning problems. This type of patient will show severely impulsive behavior traits in their decisions.
Limbic ADD is basically the basic ADD combined with depression. This patient is usually not motivated and has low energy.
The Ring of Fire ADD patient will show signs of ADD combined with bipolar disorder. They are not only moody and agressive, but will also show large swings of anger to contentment.
Children are by nature hyperactive bouncing from topic to topic. This is not ADD. ADD comes into question when they begin to show signs of impulsive behavior such as darting across a crowded parking lot, when procrastination becomes a glaring problem when it comes to schoolwork or when a child cannot focus on schoolwork at all and will stare at a page for what seems like hours.
ADD is being more properly diagnosed these days than many years ago; thus, the rise in it. Some studies suggest that society, dietary changes, excessive television watching and video games contribute to ADD. Correct diagnosis and treatment are key to helping the ADD patient. Most facilities will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine which one the patient has. When the precise dosage of medication is prescribed which corrects the specific chemical imbalance in the brain, there is often a swift and dramatic improvement.
Davisson Clinic
12900 Preston Road Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75230
Phone: (972) 480-0000
Classic ADD is the age old disorder by which most people categorize patients with ADD. Most with this type will have difficulty paying attention and leave tasks unfinished. They also are usually hyperactive and impulsive.
Inattentive ADD can often be described as a patient that is a daydreamer. They exhibit most of the common features of ADD, but they are not hyperactive. They actually have little to no energy. They are sluggish and enjoy to drift away from paying attention.
Overfocused ADD has all of the regular traits of ADD, but the patient may have trouble shifting attention and be negative. This type of patients worries excessively and is argumentative.
Temporal lobe ADD patients are often inattentive, irritable and aggressive. They often have memory and learning problems. This type of patient will show severely impulsive behavior traits in their decisions.
Limbic ADD is basically the basic ADD combined with depression. This patient is usually not motivated and has low energy.
The Ring of Fire ADD patient will show signs of ADD combined with bipolar disorder. They are not only moody and agressive, but will also show large swings of anger to contentment.
Children are by nature hyperactive bouncing from topic to topic. This is not ADD. ADD comes into question when they begin to show signs of impulsive behavior such as darting across a crowded parking lot, when procrastination becomes a glaring problem when it comes to schoolwork or when a child cannot focus on schoolwork at all and will stare at a page for what seems like hours.
ADD is being more properly diagnosed these days than many years ago; thus, the rise in it. Some studies suggest that society, dietary changes, excessive television watching and video games contribute to ADD. Correct diagnosis and treatment are key to helping the ADD patient. Most facilities will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine which one the patient has. When the precise dosage of medication is prescribed which corrects the specific chemical imbalance in the brain, there is often a swift and dramatic improvement.
Davisson Clinic
12900 Preston Road Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75230
Phone: (972) 480-0000
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Eating Out of Boredom
Boredom never killed anyone, but it can lead one down the path to death. Eating when bored is something many people do when alone just trying to get through the moment or the day. Combating this ailment does not have to be that difficult.
Sitting in traffic with only the repetitive sounds of the engine and the radio can begin to put you in a lull. You look over to the passenger seat and that bag of cookies you took for a portion of lunch sits right there. What better to pass the time? Are you really passing the time by mindlessly eating though? No. Pop in an audiobook and enjoy an uplifting book that will take you away to a fantasy land and before long the cars will suddenly be moving. Make a mental list of things you need to do or think a hard decision through while you sit in the parking lot of traffic.
Couch potatoes get the name from mindlessly scarfing down potato chips on the couch for hours on end. It just seems the tradition is to munch while you watch. Ask yourself why you are reaching for that snack? Does the television show really warrant throwing down some extra calories? If you just have to watch your show then put the snacks away and concentrate on the show.
Being with a group of friends or acquaintances out to dinner can lead to eating out of pure boredom. If you feel uncomfortable or out of the conversation reaching for the chips or the bread bowl seems so much easier than engaging in the topic. This is hard one to overcome because it is an emotional type of eating. The best thing to do is try to find a place where you fit in the conversation and jump right in. No one will yell at you for joining the talk. If you still feel like you have nothing to add then push the food away from your reach and listen to what the others have to say. Dinner cannot last all night so one day you will escape!
Everyone gets bored with the day. If you find yourself reaching for the pantry just ask yourself if you really need it. After the minutes it takes to eat a snack you will just be bored again. Those minutes are not worth the time and effort it will take to get your body and mind back on track. Instead of walking to the pantry walk down the block. Write a letter or send an e-mail. Reorganize your bathroom drawers. There is always something left undone that is just crying out for repair. Boredom can always be quickly turned into being so busy you don't have time to be bored!
Sitting in traffic with only the repetitive sounds of the engine and the radio can begin to put you in a lull. You look over to the passenger seat and that bag of cookies you took for a portion of lunch sits right there. What better to pass the time? Are you really passing the time by mindlessly eating though? No. Pop in an audiobook and enjoy an uplifting book that will take you away to a fantasy land and before long the cars will suddenly be moving. Make a mental list of things you need to do or think a hard decision through while you sit in the parking lot of traffic.
Couch potatoes get the name from mindlessly scarfing down potato chips on the couch for hours on end. It just seems the tradition is to munch while you watch. Ask yourself why you are reaching for that snack? Does the television show really warrant throwing down some extra calories? If you just have to watch your show then put the snacks away and concentrate on the show.
Being with a group of friends or acquaintances out to dinner can lead to eating out of pure boredom. If you feel uncomfortable or out of the conversation reaching for the chips or the bread bowl seems so much easier than engaging in the topic. This is hard one to overcome because it is an emotional type of eating. The best thing to do is try to find a place where you fit in the conversation and jump right in. No one will yell at you for joining the talk. If you still feel like you have nothing to add then push the food away from your reach and listen to what the others have to say. Dinner cannot last all night so one day you will escape!
Everyone gets bored with the day. If you find yourself reaching for the pantry just ask yourself if you really need it. After the minutes it takes to eat a snack you will just be bored again. Those minutes are not worth the time and effort it will take to get your body and mind back on track. Instead of walking to the pantry walk down the block. Write a letter or send an e-mail. Reorganize your bathroom drawers. There is always something left undone that is just crying out for repair. Boredom can always be quickly turned into being so busy you don't have time to be bored!
Friday, November 4, 2011
HCG Dietary Errors
Diets allow wiggle room, but too much wiggling will lead to no weight loss. The HCG diet protocol is one diet where everything must work together for a recipe to attain success. If you color too much out of the lines you will not notice a difference.
Coloring out the lines will happen to many dieters. The first thing is to admit the mistake and move past it. Weight loss consultants see this every day and will not be angry, but they do want you to be successful.
We have heard thousands of times how important water is for the body. While on HCG it is that important times one hundred. If water is not consumed throughout the day on the diet the body is forced to withhold water from the kidneys. Excessive water is forced to be taken from the intestines making the feces hard and dry. Water flushes out the system helping the body rid of any toxins. It also makes the stomach feel full allowing less calories from food intake.
Excessive sodium is not good for the body whether on a diet or not. There are no rules regarding no intake of sodium on the HCG diet, but it must be kept consistent. An increase in the intake of salt is one of the most common causes for an increase in weight from one day to the next. Yes, you can eat salt here and there, but a sudden increase will be shown on the scale. In order to hold one teaspoonful of salt the body requires one liter of water. If a person eats one teaspoonful of salt the weight will go up by more than two pounds as soon as this salt is absorbed from his intestine.
HCG is strict on the amount of calories paired with the amount of food that the body can take on during the diet. The blood is saturated with food and the blood volume has adapted itself so that it can only just accommodate a certain number of calories which come in from the intestinal tract. Any additional calories cannot be accommodated and the blood is forced to increase its volume sufficiently to hold the extra food. Eating a larger quantity of meat or eating a few pieces of bread will change the dynamic and force the body to withhold the fat.
Of course, getting out of line does not crash the entire diet. There are plateau days of eating apples and there is even a day of steak to get back on track. The body reacts to certain foods like chemistry. The foods combined with the diet protocol will react together to lose pounds and inches. After the diet is over you can go back to eating normally in moderation. A lifestyle change is hard and does not happen overnight, but once you feel the effects of the chemistry working in your body you will want to stay on path for a better tomorrow.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Coloring out the lines will happen to many dieters. The first thing is to admit the mistake and move past it. Weight loss consultants see this every day and will not be angry, but they do want you to be successful.
We have heard thousands of times how important water is for the body. While on HCG it is that important times one hundred. If water is not consumed throughout the day on the diet the body is forced to withhold water from the kidneys. Excessive water is forced to be taken from the intestines making the feces hard and dry. Water flushes out the system helping the body rid of any toxins. It also makes the stomach feel full allowing less calories from food intake.
Excessive sodium is not good for the body whether on a diet or not. There are no rules regarding no intake of sodium on the HCG diet, but it must be kept consistent. An increase in the intake of salt is one of the most common causes for an increase in weight from one day to the next. Yes, you can eat salt here and there, but a sudden increase will be shown on the scale. In order to hold one teaspoonful of salt the body requires one liter of water. If a person eats one teaspoonful of salt the weight will go up by more than two pounds as soon as this salt is absorbed from his intestine.
HCG is strict on the amount of calories paired with the amount of food that the body can take on during the diet. The blood is saturated with food and the blood volume has adapted itself so that it can only just accommodate a certain number of calories which come in from the intestinal tract. Any additional calories cannot be accommodated and the blood is forced to increase its volume sufficiently to hold the extra food. Eating a larger quantity of meat or eating a few pieces of bread will change the dynamic and force the body to withhold the fat.
Of course, getting out of line does not crash the entire diet. There are plateau days of eating apples and there is even a day of steak to get back on track. The body reacts to certain foods like chemistry. The foods combined with the diet protocol will react together to lose pounds and inches. After the diet is over you can go back to eating normally in moderation. A lifestyle change is hard and does not happen overnight, but once you feel the effects of the chemistry working in your body you will want to stay on path for a better tomorrow.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
hCG's Behavior Modification Program
Food does not make you fat. Behavior makes you fat. Of course, no one is dismissing the fact certain disorders in the pituitary glands, hypothalamus and thyroid can make the body gain weight. Why we eat, when we eat, how we eat are all factors that can pack on the pounds. Diets are not a cure for this obesity. Diets are a lifestyle change that should lead to a leaner body.
The hCG protocol is an approach to the treatment of obesity that also includes a behavior modification program that will help keep off the pounds lost on the diet. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception. For over 50 years hCG has been used in many formats (mostly injections and drops) to lose fat instead of muscle. When the diet is followed properly the result is rapid weight loss and improved body shape after treatment. The program insists the dieter follow a behavior modification program to lose weight and keep it off.
You've probably heard it before. A friend says they haven't eaten all day because they were just too busy to stop to eat. Another friend says they have grazed all day on snacks because they were bored. It's all in the behavior. The dieter must look at themselves and ask why they are engaging in unhealthy activity. It's a tradition to eat popcorn and watch a movie so some people think every time they watch a movie popcorn and candy is needed or the movie just cannot be watched! Some people eat when they are stressed, sad or bored. Some people eat to reward themselves. Before you pop that piece of candy in your mouth ask yourself if you really want it or are you just bored?
It is difficult to change a bad habit. You've probably done the same behavior with eating for years and years. What we must do is work with the bad habit by replacing it with routines that will work for us, not against us. This can be as easy as sitting down to eat with the family instead of shoving the food in your mouth in front of the TV. Instead of grabbing food when you are stressed out, go for a walk to ease your mind. It's about making a conscious effort to make a change.
The hCG diet stresses keeping a food journal. In this journal not only are the foods eaten that day written down, but you can write down feelings and thoughts about the diet. You can look at behavior patterns and see where it could be affecting your weight. You can also write down daily exercise. This needs to become routine as time passes and more weight falls off. Writing down goals will also help those goals be met. When you begin to do an activity that once lead to gorging yourself think about these goals.
The best thing to combat weight gain due to behavior is to buy healthy groceries. Do not buy candy and ice cream that is just lurking to ruin your diet. Prepare healthy meals for the family. If you have to snack on something while watching TV make sure it is something healthy in moderation. If there are no potato chips to munch on while watching a movie then you probably will just enjoy the movie and forget the chips. The mind will begin to comprehend that you don't need these things to enjoy life.
After you've conquered the thoughts of eating an entire gallon of ice cream after a long day it's time to reward yourself. In the past you may have rewarded yourself with a piece of cheesecake. Now you will reward yourself with things that make you happy that are NOT food. This is the behavior of positive reinforcement that puts yourself first.
hCG can change a dieter's life forever. The diet combined with the new lifestyle changes will make the journey ahead so much easier. The food did not make the dieter fat. The food is fuel that will now keep the dieter going. Changing your destiny is not the hard part. The hard part is making the decision to change all of the behaviors that lead you to where you are, and making that first step to better your future.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
The hCG protocol is an approach to the treatment of obesity that also includes a behavior modification program that will help keep off the pounds lost on the diet. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception. For over 50 years hCG has been used in many formats (mostly injections and drops) to lose fat instead of muscle. When the diet is followed properly the result is rapid weight loss and improved body shape after treatment. The program insists the dieter follow a behavior modification program to lose weight and keep it off.
You've probably heard it before. A friend says they haven't eaten all day because they were just too busy to stop to eat. Another friend says they have grazed all day on snacks because they were bored. It's all in the behavior. The dieter must look at themselves and ask why they are engaging in unhealthy activity. It's a tradition to eat popcorn and watch a movie so some people think every time they watch a movie popcorn and candy is needed or the movie just cannot be watched! Some people eat when they are stressed, sad or bored. Some people eat to reward themselves. Before you pop that piece of candy in your mouth ask yourself if you really want it or are you just bored?
It is difficult to change a bad habit. You've probably done the same behavior with eating for years and years. What we must do is work with the bad habit by replacing it with routines that will work for us, not against us. This can be as easy as sitting down to eat with the family instead of shoving the food in your mouth in front of the TV. Instead of grabbing food when you are stressed out, go for a walk to ease your mind. It's about making a conscious effort to make a change.
The hCG diet stresses keeping a food journal. In this journal not only are the foods eaten that day written down, but you can write down feelings and thoughts about the diet. You can look at behavior patterns and see where it could be affecting your weight. You can also write down daily exercise. This needs to become routine as time passes and more weight falls off. Writing down goals will also help those goals be met. When you begin to do an activity that once lead to gorging yourself think about these goals.
The best thing to combat weight gain due to behavior is to buy healthy groceries. Do not buy candy and ice cream that is just lurking to ruin your diet. Prepare healthy meals for the family. If you have to snack on something while watching TV make sure it is something healthy in moderation. If there are no potato chips to munch on while watching a movie then you probably will just enjoy the movie and forget the chips. The mind will begin to comprehend that you don't need these things to enjoy life.
After you've conquered the thoughts of eating an entire gallon of ice cream after a long day it's time to reward yourself. In the past you may have rewarded yourself with a piece of cheesecake. Now you will reward yourself with things that make you happy that are NOT food. This is the behavior of positive reinforcement that puts yourself first.
hCG can change a dieter's life forever. The diet combined with the new lifestyle changes will make the journey ahead so much easier. The food did not make the dieter fat. The food is fuel that will now keep the dieter going. Changing your destiny is not the hard part. The hard part is making the decision to change all of the behaviors that lead you to where you are, and making that first step to better your future.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Monday, October 31, 2011
Davisson Clinic Presents "Preventing the Holiday Feast of Fat"
For the human body the holiday season is even scarier than Halloween. The body wants to run away from the fat, but the human wants to eat that fat because it is just plain tasty. The holiday tradition has always included tables filled with pies, eggnog and candy. People spend hours over the stove making holiday concoctions to fill the tummies of their loved ones. It’s just tradition. The problem is that between Thanksgiving and New Years people consume on average an extra 600 calories per day. Not so good for that diet. Then that same person that consumed an enormous amount of calories will promise to lose it all after Christmas. It might come as a surprise, but no one has to gorge during the holiday season. Food is usually around all year. It might not be peppermint bark time, but surely when someone craves a usual holiday treat they could make it even if it was summertime. There are ways not to fall off the wagon this season.
Why wait until January to begin an exercise routine? Exercise not only will keep off those extra calories, but it will put you in a holly jolly mood. If a routine is started then it will be easier to keep the routine up after the season is over. Face it, everyone is going to indulge in a bit of holiday goodness, but exercising will definitely help combat the urge and the splurge.
Beware of the liquid form of excessive calories. Most people don’t think of liquid as being fattening unless they are slurping down a milkshake. Those fruity swirls of goodness at parties can add up quickly. The sugar in most alcoholic beverages is astounding. The famous holiday drink of eggnog is almost like drinking a cake made of milk, eggs and sugar. With this said going to a party doesn’t mean being forced to drink water. There are low calorie options of most alcoholic beverages as well as hot cocoa made with healthy ingredients.
Almost everyone will give in and have a few treats no matter how healthy they are trying to be. It’s best to decide before attending the event which foods you just cannot live without and which foods you can leave on the table. If you’ve been craving Aunt Ruth’s chocolate pie all year then have a piece of pie. If you spot a new dessert that looks interesting maybe decide to leave it on the table and just eat that piece of pie. Also keep an eye on the serving size. Allowing yourself some extra calories does not mean it’s time to consume half of the candy on the plate. One thing that just might help you is to visualize the ingredients that went into that dessert before it was made. Visualize eating that piece of butter and that handful of sugar. It might not seem so appetizing this way.
At the heart of it the holidays are not about food. Loved ones are the reason for the season so remember this when food seems to make your thoughts a bit hazy. Hang out with those loved ones and enjoy company instead of eating away in a corner. Lingering near the table of goodies certainly won’t do any good. At company parties get to the dance floor and enjoy chit chatting with co-workers.
Just because society says the average American gains between seven and 10 pounds during the holidays does not mean we have to jump on the bandwagon. Now that type of wagon is one that is just fine to fall from during this holiday season!
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Truth About Fad Dieting
The truth about obesity is there is no miracle cure. Every single diet demands effort and care. There are so many contradictions out there about what you can and cannot eat and do to lose excess fat. Let's attack some of those thoughts.
Diet must always be combined with exercise. Even on the hCG diet you must exercise for about twenty minutes to further stimulate the metabolism. Cardio does not have to be a strenuous activity each day. It works best by changing it up. This way your body will not burn less calories for the same job done. Interval training of hard exercise followed by periods of rest will help keep that heart rate high. It is as easy as doing a short warm up of five minutes then going at rigorous speed for one minute then slowing down for two minutes. If done in a cycle it helps burn more calories. Women often worry lifting weights will make them bulky. To combat this it is best to do lift small weights with many repetitions. You will burn many more calories when combining lifting weights with cardio activity.
Protein is many people's answer to curbing appetite and building muscle. There are many different types of protein supplements. Some are not the answer to obesity. Many people do not like the taste of protein shakes and supplements; therefore, most companies throw in added sugar and fats to entice flavor. It is best to stick with protein supplements with ten or more grams of protein and read the label to ensure there are not additives.
One of the biggest fads out there is eating less gluten. Gluten is not the bad guy, but it is found in many baked goods that are packed with fat and calories. Taking gluten out of the diet could mean getting less fiber in your body. Fiber is what makes us feel feel longer and keeps our bowel movements regular. It is fine to cut a bit of gluten out of the diet, but make sure you are reading the nutrition labels so you are not losing nutrients.
The hCG diet or Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is a way many doctors are seeing a successful weight loss program. This diet combines a low-calorie intake with the hCG which burns the fat instead of muscle. This has been successful in most patients to take the weight away and keep it off, but if it is not followed properly the diet can fail. It must be prescription hCG and not just bought off the shelves as well as the dieter needs to be monitored by a physician to ensure it is working properly.
The pattern seems to be that diets will work if you follow the instructions and put the effort into the new lifestyle. The one thing all dieters and doctors can agree on is that losing weight means burning more calories than taking in each day. No, only eating a piece of pie all day does not mean weight loss will occur either! Losing weight and keeping healthy means eating balanced meals to ensure all parts of the body are working together for a greater good.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Davisson Clinic Presents "Fatally Fried"
Fried food seems to be conquering the world. State fairs boast of frying everything from bubblegum to chocolate bars. Dieters have been running from the greasy foods produced from frying for years, but many cannot argue they miss the taste of fried chicken and French fries. Inside the grease pan lies health hazards that outweigh the satisfaction of having a taste of crispy fried food.
Many people use trans fats for frying foods because they are less costly than vegetable oils. Trans fats are hydrogenated vegetable oils that can clog arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. The oils and fats that are used to fry food contribute almost ten calories per gram to the piece of food being fried. Many also speculate some fried foods lead to cancer. Butylhydroxytoluene, commonly known as BHT, is frequently used by the food industry to prevent rancidity in packaged baked goods. BHT can cause cancer when consumed in high amounts. Frying foods can also form acrylamides, a substance that may increase risk of cancer and nerve damage. When exposed to heat, sugars and an amino acid called asparagine which are both present in potatoes react and form acrylamides. Acrylamide levels of potato chips increase with frying temperature.
The older generation tells stories of basically cooking with lard. There was a big can of Crisco sitting right beside the stove ready for some cooking. These days fried food is cooked in many different unhealthy oils besides Crisco. Many restaurants claim they are using vegetable oil, but most are truly using highly processed trans fat filled soybean oil.
No, state fairs will probably not soar the popularity of grilled bubble gum and chocolate bars, but those trying to eat healthy can try some alternatives to this frying. Breading gives most foods almost the same flavor as frying. All that is needed is rolling the food in breadcrumbs or crackers and then baking it in olive oil. Roasting, steaming, grilling and sautéing are easy ways to give food a kick. If a consumer still misses the crunchy goodness of fried food then drizzling olive oil over food and sticking it in the oven will give it that same feeling.
Eating the creative fried foods at the fairs are just fine in moderation. Sometimes it is hard to resist the newest fad like the fried margarita!
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, Texas
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sodium the Superhero?
Sodium is not the bad guy on the nutrition label. It is merely something used to spruce up the taste of food and works with potassium in the body to regulate the operation of the nervous system. The problem with sodium is that most people eat much more than required which can lead to many health risks.
The average American consumes 3.4 grams of sodium each day. The recommended intake is 2.3 grams per day or one teaspoon of salt. So how can that little salt shaker on the table contribute to such a large number? The answer is not in that little shaker. Sodium is in many foods. Processed foods are essentially high in sodium. Condiments pack a big sodium punch as well. A tablespoon of soy sauce is a hit of 1,000 milligrams of sodium. One tablespoon of ketchup contains 156 milligrams. Surprisingly even canned vegetables, luncheon meats and cheese have high levels of sodium at certain times. When sitting on the shelves vegetables have little sodium, but when they are canned salt is added to increase the shelf life. Processed cheese and cured meats are stuffed with sodium as a way of preserving the life of the food. This means pretty much all fast food and frozen meals have high amounts of sodium.
Again, sodium is essential to the function of the human body, but it is very easy to overindulge. Too much sodium causes the body to retain fluid making the heart work harder than normal. High blood pressure and heart disease can be the outcome. It eventually leads to weight gain from all of the excess fluid. In worst cases all of this can lead to not only heart disease, but strokes and kidney disease.
It is not impossible to eat without a lot of salt. Always taste food before eating it. Many consume dinner after putting a heaping amount of salt on top of it. It does not mean families have to eat organic and make everything from scratch, but eating homemade meals is good for the system. Avoiding processed and packaged foods is the best. Cooking at home will alleviate many of the concerns regarding what is actually in each meal. For those on the go that just do not have time to cook, it is best to study ingredients and read labels before buying the packaged food. There are healthy alternatives to many items on the shelves.
Every new fad and website will tell consumers different things to eat. One will claim this is killing consumers and one will claim that is killing consumers. Eating everything in moderation will help ease the mind of any consumer. Sodium is a good culprit that is only bad once the consumer makes it bad.
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
The average American consumes 3.4 grams of sodium each day. The recommended intake is 2.3 grams per day or one teaspoon of salt. So how can that little salt shaker on the table contribute to such a large number? The answer is not in that little shaker. Sodium is in many foods. Processed foods are essentially high in sodium. Condiments pack a big sodium punch as well. A tablespoon of soy sauce is a hit of 1,000 milligrams of sodium. One tablespoon of ketchup contains 156 milligrams. Surprisingly even canned vegetables, luncheon meats and cheese have high levels of sodium at certain times. When sitting on the shelves vegetables have little sodium, but when they are canned salt is added to increase the shelf life. Processed cheese and cured meats are stuffed with sodium as a way of preserving the life of the food. This means pretty much all fast food and frozen meals have high amounts of sodium.
Again, sodium is essential to the function of the human body, but it is very easy to overindulge. Too much sodium causes the body to retain fluid making the heart work harder than normal. High blood pressure and heart disease can be the outcome. It eventually leads to weight gain from all of the excess fluid. In worst cases all of this can lead to not only heart disease, but strokes and kidney disease.
It is not impossible to eat without a lot of salt. Always taste food before eating it. Many consume dinner after putting a heaping amount of salt on top of it. It does not mean families have to eat organic and make everything from scratch, but eating homemade meals is good for the system. Avoiding processed and packaged foods is the best. Cooking at home will alleviate many of the concerns regarding what is actually in each meal. For those on the go that just do not have time to cook, it is best to study ingredients and read labels before buying the packaged food. There are healthy alternatives to many items on the shelves.
Every new fad and website will tell consumers different things to eat. One will claim this is killing consumers and one will claim that is killing consumers. Eating everything in moderation will help ease the mind of any consumer. Sodium is a good culprit that is only bad once the consumer makes it bad.
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
Monday, October 24, 2011
Have Yourself A Healthy Holiday Season
Halloween is quickly becoming overshadowed by Christmas. What, you don’t believe me? These days the store aisles are already beginning to fill with Christmas décor. It is as if the commercialization of Christmas starts earlier and earlier each year. Maybe this is why between Halloween and New Years the average person gains seven to 12 pounds! Halloween gets the ball rolling with candy then Thanksgiving keeps it rolling with those goodies surrounding the Turkey Day feast then you are just rolling downhill as the holiday season is filled with amazing desserts at every small holiday bash. In order not be a statistic start now to ensure you won’t be a turtle on your back in a chocolate filled pool after Christmas.
If you plan on giving candy out this Halloween choose candy you just do not enjoy. If you are a big time chocolate lover then choose candy corn. Give big handfuls of candy to the trick-or-treaters so you will not have leftovers. You must realize healthier might not mean fewer calories. It might have fewer calories, but what about the sugar and carbohydrates? Lower carbs usually means more calories. There is no miracle candy that is going to actually be good for you no matter what the label says to lure you in; however, there are lower calorie treats that are better choices. Licorice, gummy bears, mints and popcorn are all treats that could work for you.
As you dream of sugarplums dancing in your head make a plan to defeat the dreams. The small bites taken of pies, cookies and candy will soar calories through the roof. Make you sure set aside small portions if you really want those desserts. If you do dive into the sugar bowl do not close the door on the plan. Everyone gets off track because we are kidding ourselves if we think we can run from the amazing taste of sugar and butter forever. It can be as easy as taking a walk to burn a few extra calories to get back on track.
It is best to get your fitness on track during this time because once the New Year rolls around people will be jumping on the bandwagon and clogging the gyms. They have put off the goals you have right now. The gyms will be less crowded right now, too! Remember you can have what you want in moderation. Eat a slice of pie instead of three slices of pie. Yes, it tastes yummy, but that holiday dress will certainly not look as good at the Christmas party!
Keep your eye on the prize. The prize being your health and well being. Don’t let Halloween scare you into the spiraling haunted house of calories.
Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250, Dallas, TX 7523
Friday, October 21, 2011
A Healthy Halloween
Halloween should just be called National Candy Day. As a child don't you remember dumping the bags of candy on the floor sifting through just trying to find the best candy? It sounds so wonderful and comforting, but that candy is full of calories and sugar. Even the sugar free kinds could be discomforting to your tummy. (Who gives sugar free candy to trick-or-treaters anyway?!!) Don't kid yourself; You know some of that chocolate is going to be eaten... by you. It doesn't have to ruin your diet.
The worst thing to do is to save up calories all day to just pig out later on candy. It's about pacing yourself and not pigging out. Start with a workout if possible. You can burn off some calories and ease your mind for the intake later. Eat normally throughout the day so you are not too excited to jump into the pile of candy. Make a pact with yourself that you will only indulge in a certain number of candy bars. That might take a little willpower, but it will save you from feeling really bad later.
Trick-or-treaters moan and groan about the house giving away toothpaste or apples. One day they will be rejoicing that they didn't eat pounds of chocolate every year though! If you really want to stay away from the sugar high be the boring house on the block. Give out the healthy stuff like nuts, raisins and dried fruit. Atleast then you are not left with candy staring at you once the doorbell stops ringing. Don't let the sugar free candy fool you either. Yes, it is "better" for you, but the ingredients often give people an upset stomach and cramps. Throwing back a wad of sugar free candy won't taste as good anyway so it just might not be worth it!
It doesn't help if you have kids and they come in with bags and bags of candy. Kids on a sugar high on the school night of Halloween might mean a long night! It's the kids' loot so you do want to save it for them throughout the weeks to come, but how do you stay away from it? The best thought is to freeze it or just get it out of your sight. If you freeze it then when you see it and get excited your mind must then remember you have to let it thaw and then eat it which will take hours. Yes, hopefully your excitement will fade by the time it would be thawed. Keep the house stocked with healthy snacks so you know there is always an alternative.
Now we get to the worst case scenario. You give in and eat the loot of candy. The healthy way of eating is not ruined forever. Some call it a food hangover! Getting back on track means a few days of healthy eating. Vegetables and greens will help settle your stomach and flush the toxins out of your body.
Halloween is a fun day filled with candy and costumes. The costumes go back in the closet after Halloween, but the candy just turns next into pies and cookies for the holidays. Making smart decisions will help keep those calories at bay and keep you on the right track. Remember a few pieces of candy never hurt anyone, but a load of candy is just a monster filled with calories and sugar!
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Weight Loss Hypnosis is Not Magic
Hypnosis can help you lose weight. It sounds like an idea out of "Inception," but in reality it is just the simple gesture of putting thoughts in your mind to aid in weight loss. It really does work. According to studies done at the Mayo Clinic hypnosis is not a way to diet, but a way to change the mind's thinking when it comes to food.
The problem with hypnosis is that many only know what they see on television. They have this concept of being sat in front of a swinging pendulum and made to cluck like a chicken. Hypnosis is nothing like that in a professional term. Being medically hypnotized simply means you are put into a relaxed state of mind and given a speech in a sense. Hopefully in this deep state of relaxation the patient will begin to believe the things said and believe they will lose weight. During hypnosis some doctors will try to change the automatic response to food in order for the patient to see it in a different light. Food is paired with something unpleasant so when the patient sees a fattening food they think of just plain fat. The hope is that they will begin seeing healthy food in the best light.
Many dieters do not have much willpower. The smell of a freshly cooked cinnamon roll can ruin their whole diet for a day. Willpower fails because it is associated with the logical conscious level of the brain. The urge to eat whatever you want because you deserve it comes from the unconscious level. It is best to combine a behavioral weight management program with the hypnosis. Long-term hypnosis combined with a behavioral weight management program appears to contribute to weight loss and helps maintain it.
It is not magic and it will not put you in a trance to run away from food. Hypnosis is basically just a way to get your subconscious mind to make better decisions. Skeptics have tried it year after year and most have decided it is a pretty neat little tool. Losing weight is about changing your destiny. Hypnosis is about changing your thinking in order to reach that destiny.
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design
#Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
The problem with hypnosis is that many only know what they see on television. They have this concept of being sat in front of a swinging pendulum and made to cluck like a chicken. Hypnosis is nothing like that in a professional term. Being medically hypnotized simply means you are put into a relaxed state of mind and given a speech in a sense. Hopefully in this deep state of relaxation the patient will begin to believe the things said and believe they will lose weight. During hypnosis some doctors will try to change the automatic response to food in order for the patient to see it in a different light. Food is paired with something unpleasant so when the patient sees a fattening food they think of just plain fat. The hope is that they will begin seeing healthy food in the best light.
Many dieters do not have much willpower. The smell of a freshly cooked cinnamon roll can ruin their whole diet for a day. Willpower fails because it is associated with the logical conscious level of the brain. The urge to eat whatever you want because you deserve it comes from the unconscious level. It is best to combine a behavioral weight management program with the hypnosis. Long-term hypnosis combined with a behavioral weight management program appears to contribute to weight loss and helps maintain it.
It is not magic and it will not put you in a trance to run away from food. Hypnosis is basically just a way to get your subconscious mind to make better decisions. Skeptics have tried it year after year and most have decided it is a pretty neat little tool. Losing weight is about changing your destiny. Hypnosis is about changing your thinking in order to reach that destiny.
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design
#Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
Monday, October 17, 2011
HCG: The Fat Eating Creature
There is always something that happens to make someone realize they need to lose weight. Whether it be an old photo or a tight pair of jeans when that scale number rises so do emotions. There are a million diets out there, but finding the perfect one for you takes time and effort. The best diet is the good old fashioned eating healthy and exercising, but for some they want to speed that process up a bit. That’s just fine, too. hCG seems to be new on the scene to save the day, but in all reality the diet has been around for many years. The problem is that not many people know the ins and outs of hCG and jump at something they just do not understand. We’ll break it down for you.
hCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a natural accruing protein hormone that develops in the placenta during the first trimester of pregnancy shortly after conception. Its primary function is to support the pregnancy by encouraging the production of progesterone. So how does it work for weight loss? Over 50 years ago Dr. Albert Simeons’ was doing studies on pituitary problems by treating them with low doses of hCG. He began to notice the patients were losing fat instead of muscle. During most diets muscle begins to fade quickly, but the difference in the hCG approach is fat is destroyed forever instead of lean muscle tissue.
This diet is also not about just jumping on some bandwagon. Patients must get blood tests and speak with a consultant before beginning the diet to ensure they are okay for treatment. Most programs are six to 12 weeks. Each person will lose a different amount of weight. Most dieters report a loss of about ten pounds each week. Dieters must follow a strict diet that will partner with the hCG injections or drops. Fiber and water are the most important parts of the diet. The reason it is not just another low calorie diet is the hypothalamus is being reset to send signals to break down body fat.
Yes, the weight will melt away. No, it will not let you eat anything in sight for the rest of your life. After the hCG program is completed it is up to you to keep up the new lifestyle. The metabolism is usually reset and the weight should not climb back on, but eating healthy and exercising need to come into play after the diet is over. hCG does not reset your lifestyle! Losing weight should not be a journey, but a destination where you feel complete, happy and ready to live in your new body.
Davisson Clinic Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dallas, Texas
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