Thursday, December 29, 2011

Losing Weight After The Free Pass To Gluttony Of The Holidays

The holidays gave us a free pass to gluttony, but what about after the holidays? Zipping your pants for work or fitting into that New Years attire doesn’t seem so enticing after the pies, cookies and cakes you stuffed in your mouth over the entire holiday season. What now? Did you know it is a scientific fact even if you ate an entire cake you might not even add fat to your body? Adding that fat happens overtime as you continue to binge; therefore, you can get your eating and workout back on track.

Going back to everyday life can be challenging after the holidays of lounging around enjoying whatever food you would like. The American Council of Exercise reported during the holidays we might eat over 3,000 calories in one sitting. 3,500 calories equals one pound. You may find yourself feeling guilty and thinking it isn’t even possible to get back into a normal routine. Why not eat another round of cookies? It won’t help. Eating another round of cookies and then another will only lead to obesity and health problems down the line. Slowly, but surely you can reach your goals.

That bloated feeling can be attacked with water. Drink fresh water throughout each day. Flushing out the toxins will help you not feel bloated. Stay away from sodium for a while so your body can release that bloat.

During the holidays we are usually put in front of large meals with many different varieties we can choose from. Going back to everyday life is different, of course. It is best not to look for that large meal again, but also do not restrict yourself from food. Proteins and vegetables will help you ease back into normal eating. Eat three healthy meals a day.

Most people also get sluggish with their workout during the holidays. It’s time to get back to the grind. Start slow with a brisk walk then build up to a normal routine. You can even just do chores around the house to get slowly back into shape. Taking down the Christmas decorations is no easy task! Each day add a little more to your workout until you feel it is making a difference.

Nothing happens overnight. You may have indulged a few nights in a row, but you can also reverse the damage by easing back into a routine. Health and fitness is a lifestyle and there aren’t many people who can go their entire life without indulging a little!

The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000

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