Monday, November 14, 2011

Regular Dental Visits Help Prevent Heart Disease

Brushing your teeth could save your life. Good dental hygiene can lead to a longer healthier life because it can actually help prevent heart attacks. It's simple as brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque and bacteria. If this mess is not scraped away it will build up escalating to gum disease which allows the bacteria into the blood stream causing arteries to inflame. The bacteria that is present in the plaque can cause blood clots in the arteries as well. Arterial plaque can come loose and travel to other parts of the body that can create a blockage in the brain causing a stroke.

Dental health can be genetic meaning some people just make more plaque and are prone to gum disease; however, some people just do not give their mouth the attention it needs to stay healthy. Either way it is important to get regular cleanings and brush teeth daily for your overall health. Infections that lead to gum disease do not spring up overnight. Bacteria slowly builds and slowly thickens the artery walls. It is important to realize gum disease is not the cause of heart disease, but it can be a contributing factor.

There are many types of infections lurking in the mouth. Gingivitis is one of the best known infections in the mouth. It affects the gums causing them to be inflamed, swollen and bleed. Bacteria within plaque lead to chronic inflammation of the gum line and tooth loss. Pericoronitis is caused when the wisdom teeth do not emerge completely from the gums causing a gap. When food particles get accumulated they start decaying and weaken the roots of the teeth causing discomfort and pain.

Researchers have found that people who regularly see the dentist to get a deep cleaning reduce heart attack risk by almost 25 percent. Dental hygienists use special tools to scrape the bacteria from the teeth and gums. Scraping away this bacteria will help detour its journey to the heart. If infection is found in the mouth during cleaning local antibiotics are usually given to help eliminate bacteria as well. It is then imperative to brush your teeth as well as floss twice a day.

Deep cleaning, brushing and flossing will not eliminate the possibility of a heart attack. These things can never replace the healthy ways to keep the heart beating like diet and exercise, but they are easy steps to get rid of bacteria that can threaten your life.

The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000

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