Did you do taebo in your living room? How about P90x? Jane Fonda workout videos? There's always some fitness fad that takes over the world. It loses its excitement over time and we look to the next thing. With physical fitness being taken out of schools kids are even in need of more exercise. The obesity rates are skyrocketing, but one study is showing Americans might just be following workout trends a little better and losing weight. The recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index found improvement in U.S. obesity rates for the first time in more than three years. The report said that more Americans are now normal weight (36.6 percent) than overweight (35.8 percent). How is this happening?
Many companies are having contests to see who can get physically fit in a certain amount of time. This is not only great for the company's insurance, but the person's physical fitness goals. Companies are giving big incentives to employees to help them see their goals ahead.
Aerobics, yoga and Zumba classes are just some of the classes being filled at the gym. People enjoy training in groups because they don't feel alone. If you want to intensify it Boot Camp might be the way to go. These emphasize balance, stability and core workouts. You can also get fit with groups by focusing on the health and wellness of what is put in the body. Fitness consultants and weight loss consultants work with groups and individuals to personalize programs just for them.
The smart phones of today's world help us pretty much track out our entire lives. There are apps where you can calculate calories and watch the pedometer. Apps even give you recipes for the HCG or low carbohydrate diet. Training for marathons is easy when you have a GPS watch that tells you where you are going and calculates how far you have gone. Technology of today could actually be making us thinner!
Overall it's about being educated on dieting. The cabbage soup diet was a fad that didn't last very long because that weight came back on quickly! Researching diets to ensure they aren't just today's fix is the best thing for each person to do. The base of any diet is to watch caloric intake and get physical activity. Anything that claims you can lose 10 pounds in one day is just a smoke screen.
No matter today's fad to lose weight it can always be fun to pull out the old taebo video!
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