Tuesday, November 1, 2011

hCG's Behavior Modification Program

Food does not make you fat. Behavior makes you fat. Of course, no one is dismissing the fact certain disorders in the pituitary glands, hypothalamus and thyroid can make the body gain weight. Why we eat, when we eat, how we eat are all factors that can pack on the pounds. Diets are not a cure for this obesity. Diets are a lifestyle change that should lead to a leaner body.

The hCG protocol is an approach to the treatment of obesity that also includes a behavior modification program that will help keep off the pounds lost on the diet. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception. For over 50 years hCG has been used in many formats (mostly injections and drops) to lose fat instead of muscle. When the diet is followed properly the result is rapid weight loss and improved body shape after treatment. The program insists the dieter follow a behavior modification program to lose weight and keep it off.

You've probably heard it before. A friend says they haven't eaten all day because they were just too busy to stop to eat. Another friend says they have grazed all day on snacks because they were bored. It's all in the behavior. The dieter must look at themselves and ask why they are engaging in unhealthy activity. It's a tradition to eat popcorn and watch a movie so some people think every time they watch a movie popcorn and candy is needed or the movie just cannot be watched! Some people eat when they are stressed, sad or bored. Some people eat to reward themselves. Before you pop that piece of candy in your mouth ask yourself if you really want it or are you just bored?

It is difficult to change a bad habit. You've probably done the same behavior with eating for years and years. What we must do is work with the bad habit by replacing it with routines that will work for us, not against us. This can be as easy as sitting down to eat with the family instead of shoving the food in your mouth in front of the TV. Instead of grabbing food when you are stressed out, go for a walk to ease your mind. It's about making a conscious effort to make a change.

The hCG diet stresses keeping a food journal. In this journal not only are the foods eaten that day written down, but you can write down feelings and thoughts about the diet. You can look at behavior patterns and see where it could be affecting your weight. You can also write down daily exercise. This needs to become routine as time passes and more weight falls off. Writing down goals will also help those goals be met. When you begin to do an activity that once lead to gorging yourself think about these goals.

The best thing to combat weight gain due to behavior is to buy healthy groceries. Do not buy candy and ice cream that is just lurking to ruin your diet. Prepare healthy meals for the family. If you have to snack on something while watching TV make sure it is something healthy in moderation. If there are no potato chips to munch on while watching a movie then you probably will just enjoy the movie and forget the chips. The mind will begin to comprehend that you don't need these things to enjoy life.

After you've conquered the thoughts of eating an entire gallon of ice cream after a long day it's time to reward yourself. In the past you may have rewarded yourself with a piece of cheesecake. Now you will reward yourself with things that make you happy that are NOT food. This is the behavior of positive reinforcement that puts yourself first.

hCG can change a dieter's life forever. The diet combined with the new lifestyle changes will make the journey ahead so much easier. The food did not make the dieter fat. The food is fuel that will now keep the dieter going. Changing your destiny is not the hard part. The hard part is making the decision to change all of the behaviors that lead you to where you are, and making that first step to better your future.

Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design Weight Loss Center
Dr. Harvey G. Davisson
Dallas, TX

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