Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prevent the Road to Obesity

Obesity kills. Life seems good as you eat meals full of comforting calories, but your body is crying for attention. Obesity leads to many life-threatening diseases. What most people don't realize is these diseases can be stopped in their tracks by making good choices. Diabetes and high blood pressure feed on the excitement of fats, but by making a few simple changes you can change your destiny.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar. Diabetes can usually be stopped before it becomes a scary problem. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the number one way to fight diabetes. We all know your age, family history and ethnicity cannot be changed, but the way you live can be changed. High blood pressure and being overweight are the largest contributors to this disease. Starting a healthy lifestyle after years of abusing food and not exercising can be hard at first. As little as thirty minutes a day five days a week exercising can lower your risks! Eating foods low in fat and high in fiber will also help the fight.

One in four people has high blood pressure. This can lead to many other health issues down the road. High blood pressure can usually be controlled by changing a few things about your lifestyle. Exercising is an easy thing to do to lower your risk of high blood pressure. Exercise along with a reduced caloric intake will help lower the risks even more. Small steps can be taken such as: lowering salt intake, eating lowfat versions of food, drinking skim milk and drinking less alcohol. Lowering stress in your lifestyle will help with blood pressure problems.

Davisson Clinic's Diet by Design Weight Loss Centers has highly trained weight loss consultants that can help you in this fight. They monitor your progress and guide you along the way. Best of all they don't yell at you when you cheat one week! A step in the right direction could forever change your destiny!

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