Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Good" Foods That Are "Bad" For You

You are kicking bad eating habits to the curb, but some things you are ingesting might be fooling you into thinking this way. All foods that claim to be good for you might actually be filling your body with junk.

Diet soda

No calories means it must benefit you somehow. Wrong. Diet soda is overflowing with sodium. Marketers fail to tell you this when they tell you it is so much better than regular soda. While it is lower in sugar and calories than regular soda it contains aspartame and mounds of sodium. Many people believe aspartame is poisonous to one's system over time. Diet soda will lift you with its caffeine, but is it worth it to feel bloated and be throwing sodium into your system?

Baked Chips

You can't eat just one baked chip. They seem so innocent in their light, fluffy way. Baked chips are processed and sprinkled with lots of sodium or sugar to help the flavor. The reason regular chips are so bad for the body is the oil they are cooked in. The chips contain potatoes, oil and salt. Baked chips are made with corn starch, corn oil, corn starch and soy lecithin. This means baked chips are far from being organic and are filled with genetically modified ingredients. The reason they may make you gain inches is you think you can eat more, but you might be doing just as much damage.


Yogurt is a tricky one. Yogurt is not actually bad for you in its pure form. Once you start adding all the tricks and treats to it is when the sugar level hits the ceiling. When fruits and high fructose corn syrup are added to yogurt it can inch into being more of a dessert than a healthy snack. Make sure to read the label to know what you are buying and what is exactly in that small container of dairy.


Smoothies can be a full day's worth of calories if one isn't careful. If you make the smoothie at home throwing in ice, fruit and yogurt then you just might be okay. Smoothies you buy in a drive thru seem much more tasty, but are much more harmful. Most of a smoothie is floating sugar in liquid. The fruit has natural sugars, but more is added to entice the flavor. If you want a smoothie then make sure you know the ingredients. They can be great if made in the correct way.

Energy Bars

Energy bars are just granola bars spiced up. Unless you know they are made with only a few ingredients, you are basically eating a special candy bar. Energy bars can often be packed with sugar and preservatives. Sometimes an energy bar might as well be dessert if you are eating a chocolate pecan peanut butter energy bar!

Read the labels. You will stay healthy if you know what is going in your mouth. The television ads will tell you what you want to hear so you will buy that product. Anything in excess is bad, but knowing before you even put it in your mouth is best. We all have days we fail and eat a few bowls of ice cream, but if we were to eat like this each day we know our weight loss goals would not be met. The same goes with foods we think are healthy. The best way to think might just be to eat like your grandparents where everything is made with local ingredients and fast food just wasn't in their mind. Back then they didn't call it organic; they called it dinner!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Best Types of Protein To Eat To Stay Slim

Protein builds muscle. Protein is the fuel of the body. Protein is a super food. Then why does it get a bad rap at times? Some people run from protein thinking they have to eat hamburgers all day to ingest this super food. Yes, many protein packed foods are full of saturated fat, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from eating it. The trick is to choose lean protein which will keep you energized and help you actually lose weight.


Breakfast can be packed with protein to get you through those first hours of the day. Eggs have seven grams of protein in one egg! You don’t have to use the dreaded yolks filled with cholesterol, but it won’t kill you. Saturated fat raises cholesterol which eggs only have two grams of this type of fat so it is not a usual worry. Throwing cheese and sausage in with your eggs could lead you a bit astray, but all is okay in moderation.


The age old feast of fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Fish can be grilled, fried, frozen, packaged… it doesn’t really matter because it’s all fish! Fried might not be the best choice though. Sushi is even part of the fish family when it comes to protein. Sushi not only has protein, but also packs fiber.


Meat is where some people run from protein. Eating red meat can be bad as it can increase your risk of colon cancer and heart disease. This is why it is best to stick to lean beef. Ground sirloin only has 196 calories in a three ounce serving. It is recommended to eat two servings of red meat per week to maintain health. Pork loin is a great way to go as well. 16 grams of protein can be packed into a pork chop!


Grilled chicken is an easy type of protein that can be put in many recipes. Peeling the poultry is the key to eliminating any saturated fat in chicken. Marinating chicken is a great way to cook if you don’t marinate it in a high fat or high sugar sauce. You can throw it in a sandwich for a quick low fat lunch as well.


Beans are packed with the highest protein content of any vegetable. They are also filled with fiber which keeps you full as well. Beans can be put in soup, eaten solo or mixed with rice. There are also many kinds to choose from which keeps the dullness of the diet away!

When trying to stick to eating protein and not ingesting saturated fats it is best to stay away from butter, cheese and whole milk. The American Heart Association suggests to sticking to around 15 grams of saturated fat a day. So eat the protein to be a superhero, but be careful not to indulge in the wrong types of you will just be a superfatty.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pharmaceutical HCG is NOT Banned

Don't worry if you are skeptical. We get it all of the time. People call us worrying that HCG is being banned by the FDA. It is, but only the homeopathic kind. We put our patients on a weekly monitoring basis and we only give prescription grade homeopathic HCG. The one thing you must understand is back when HCG came out in the 1950s it wasn't sweeping the world like it is now. When something sweeps the world everyone wants to make a dollar. Homeopathic versions online and in stores started popping up everywhere you looked. Supermarkets were selling it for as low as $18. It is simply too good to be true. Pharmaceutical HCG does help patients lose weight usually rapidly if they follow the protocol.

The HCG Diet Council has taken aim at the FDA appealing its decision to pull the homeopathic versions off the shelves. The FDA stands their ground saying all the homeopathic version is doing is putting people on a low calorie diet. Without medical supervision they are putting themselves at many health risks.

On pharmaceutical HCG you are not allowed to stay on the diet forever. You are put on a program that is closely monitored each week. The diet was not intended to be a forever lifestyle. Homeopathic versions of HCG will help the patient lose muscle, but it will not eat the fat. They will feel weak and lose many nutrients.

It's always best to do your research before beginning any weight loss program. There are many people out there just trying to make that dollar. HCG could be your answer if done in a correct way.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Losing Weight After The Free Pass To Gluttony Of The Holidays

The holidays gave us a free pass to gluttony, but what about after the holidays? Zipping your pants for work or fitting into that New Years attire doesn’t seem so enticing after the pies, cookies and cakes you stuffed in your mouth over the entire holiday season. What now? Did you know it is a scientific fact even if you ate an entire cake you might not even add fat to your body? Adding that fat happens overtime as you continue to binge; therefore, you can get your eating and workout back on track.

Going back to everyday life can be challenging after the holidays of lounging around enjoying whatever food you would like. The American Council of Exercise reported during the holidays we might eat over 3,000 calories in one sitting. 3,500 calories equals one pound. You may find yourself feeling guilty and thinking it isn’t even possible to get back into a normal routine. Why not eat another round of cookies? It won’t help. Eating another round of cookies and then another will only lead to obesity and health problems down the line. Slowly, but surely you can reach your goals.

That bloated feeling can be attacked with water. Drink fresh water throughout each day. Flushing out the toxins will help you not feel bloated. Stay away from sodium for a while so your body can release that bloat.

During the holidays we are usually put in front of large meals with many different varieties we can choose from. Going back to everyday life is different, of course. It is best not to look for that large meal again, but also do not restrict yourself from food. Proteins and vegetables will help you ease back into normal eating. Eat three healthy meals a day.

Most people also get sluggish with their workout during the holidays. It’s time to get back to the grind. Start slow with a brisk walk then build up to a normal routine. You can even just do chores around the house to get slowly back into shape. Taking down the Christmas decorations is no easy task! Each day add a little more to your workout until you feel it is making a difference.

Nothing happens overnight. You may have indulged a few nights in a row, but you can also reverse the damage by easing back into a routine. Health and fitness is a lifestyle and there aren’t many people who can go their entire life without indulging a little!

The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Diet Back On Track After The Holidays

The holidays aren’t usually the first spot in people’s minds where dieting begins. Many say they can eat whatever during the holiday season then they will work it all off when the new year comes around. It’s much harder to do than it sounds. Some opt out of the fretting during the new year and try to keep in line during the holidays. Many fail. So what happens when you blow your diet? Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to end there. You can get back on track!

You wake up feeling bloated wondering why and then you remember the plate of desserts you inhaled last night at the holiday gathering. You get annoyed at yourself, but remember those cookies were delicious. Realize it is normal to overindulge at times, but now you must put the plan into action to make yourself feel better. The absolute first thing to do is eat some breakfast. If you get your metabolism going you won’t eat too much during the day. As you eat think about what you can do to get yourself back on track. Reduce your calorie intake by eating healthier foods. It’s as easy as that. Working out is essential to getting back on track. Even a brisk walk or lifting weights is better than nothing.

Usually we are not invited to only one holiday gathering. If you don’t want to feel like this every day after the gatherings try to set some goals for yourself. Have one cookie instead of the entire plate. Eat one helping of the casserole. Write this down if it will help solidify it for you. Keeping a food diary will help keep you feeling accountable for everything that enters your mouth. These days there are even apps on the phone to help with this so you don’t have to carry around pen and paper.

Throughout the day as you try to feel better you will probably find many temptations. Your body remembers how yummy the food was last night. Try not to eat the leftovers in the fridge. The goodies are just toying with your emotions. Drink water or green tea to help quench this thought. If you still need something then eat a small snack. As night comes this hunger monster will probably strike its head out of boredom. Tell it to go away and just drink some water.

Each day will bring new challenges, but be able to fight them. If you begin your short walk one day it will eventually change into a longer walk. Exercising will help you feel better and help your body get in shape. As you attend other holiday gatherings remember a few things to help you get through it. Don’t eat because you are nervous or bored. Get away from the table of food! If you drink alcohol make sure to drink water as well. The best thing to do above anything is to engage with others. Instead of eating just enjoy the company around you. Don’t wait until the new year hits to beat the crowd at the gym. Make a choice to change your destiny now.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Soda Is Liquid Junk Food

Soda, coke, pop. Sugar in a bottle can go by many names, but the effects of it are all the same. Soda started out centuries ago as just carbonated mineral water. It was not unhealthy until sellers begin adding things to the drink to make it taste different. Today sugar is what gives the carbonated beverage a bad reputation. The caffeine and acid in each drink don’t help, but all of it together is horrible for your health.

Soda also contains phosphorus which could lead to a reduction in calcium and magnesium in the body. Try putting a tooth in soda for a few days and watch it dissolve over time. If it can dissolve a tooth think about what it is doing to the rest of your body.

It’s been hammered upon us that soda contains sugar and too much sugar is bad for you. Did you know one soda contains more than ten teaspoons of sugar? Our bodies are really only to have ten or less a day! Too much sugar leads to a rise in insulin levels. The sugar also might not be able to burned by the body which will end up as stored fat leading to weight gain. Within the first ten minutes of drinking your soda those teaspoons of sugar hit your system. They are absorbed into the blood causing blood sugar to spike.

Caffeine is something many of us feel we need to keep us awake. It is found in many stimulants. Too much caffeine is not good for the system at all. It can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and dehydration. Forty minutes after you drink a soda that caffeine causes your blood pressure to rise. Caffeine is addictive so the more you drink the more your body wants it.

After everything has gone through your system your body will go into crash mode. It will make you tired, irritable and reaching for another soda.

Most people try to get away with just drinking diet soda. It has the same history of soda, right, but it’s diet, right? Wrong. Instead of adding flavorings and sugar and all that jazz, it has aspartame. Aspartame is a chemical that stimulates the brain to think the drink is sweet. Aspartame breaks down into aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol when it's at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Sodium in diet sodas is also a silent killer. Sodium not only adds weight to us, but is hard on our hearts.

Soda is the liquid form of junk food. It tastes great to most people, but it is just a fun beverage with no nutritional value. It is served at most restaurants and at most parties, but if people really knew what was lurking through their system once they took a drink, they might opt for another beverage.

The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000

Thursday, December 15, 2011

HCG Success Stories Help Support New HCG Patients

Marathon runners don’t usually run alone. So why should dieters diet alone? Support is something that helps us through those tough times when we see no light at the end of the tunnel. HCG patients are each going through a program to reach their own weight loss goals. It’s important for each of them to reach out to find success stories and support wherever they can.

Inspiration comes in so many forms. There are thousands of websites that portray success stories for those on the HCG diet. Many sites have people sharing their own stories to show the patients’ success is only a few weeks away if they stick with the lifestyle. Many sites offer a place where you can discuss the diet with others. This helps ease any fear you may have of falling off the wagon or not finding your own success.

Each person on the diet is different as we all have different bodies. Remember that men and women do not lose weight at the same speed as well as people have different body types.

Finding support is key to everyone’s success. There are support groups in many cities where you get together and discuss what has and has not worked. Some things will work for others that will not work for you, but getting all of the ideas on the table will help. It is also good to hear from others about how much they have lost. If you are thinking you are going to lose 200 pounds, but hear from many others they have only lost 120 then you know your goal is not realistic.

Encourage yourself with encouraging others. You are all on the same journey even if your destination to your goals are different.

The Davisson Clinic
Diet by Design
Weight Loss Center
12900 Preston Rd. Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 918-0000